Lutrasoft / Fancyform

jQuery plugin for transforming HTML form elements
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Update jquery.fancyform.js #8

Open emilkarolak opened 10 years ago

emilkarolak commented 10 years ago

Now you can have onlu one call for transforming select's and you can set every select width separately by setting width of transformed select. Ex:

tsukasa1989 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the pull. But there is an issue with this pull.

What will hapen if someone does not set the width: 100px;? Than it still will overwrite the CSS width property, so this will give some issues with using CSS width on elements. For example this won't work anymore:

.transformSelect{ width: 200px; } 

Will not be 200px if you do not use inline SELECT width. Also if an element is hidden, not every browser is able to get the width of an element. so t.width() will not work.