Lutymane / Steam-Scripts

Steam userscripts
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[Batch-Keys-Activator] Not working in GreaseMonkey/FireMonkey/ViolentMonkey (Firefox) #35

Open WonderfulSpivey opened 3 years ago

WonderfulSpivey commented 3 years ago

I've transitioned from TamperMonkey to Firemonkey due to it being open source and built for Firefox. The Batch Key Activator gets hung up on "Processing Keys" every time and does not progress using FireMonkey. I tested in GreaseMonkey and ViolentMonkey and got the same result. Is it possible to update this script to make it compatible with the other user script addons?

Lutymane commented 3 years ago

I doubt the issue is in userscript manager, rather in the script itself. Probably something changed on Steam.

Try to check console for errors and messages

kigero commented 2 years ago

I noticed that g_sessionID had been removed from the script - I grabbed my session id manually and set it to that variable and it worked for me.