LutzGross /

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Order 0 interpolation table #55

Open aellery opened 2 years ago

aellery commented 2 years ago

this would be similar to the order 1 interpolation already available but would set values by cell (constant on cells in the input data).

This would be similar to this function (but maybe with the existing interface, extra order argument?):

def overlayArrayOnToBox(u, data, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax): dx=float(xmax-xmin)/data.shape0 nx=data.shape0 if len(data.shape) == 1: dy=float(ymax-ymin) dz=float(zmax-zmin) ny=1 nz=1 elif len(data.shape) == 2: dy=float(ymax-ymin) dz=float(zmax-zmin)/data.shape1 ny=1 nz=data.shape1 else: dy=float(ymax-ymin)/data.shape1 dz=float(zmax-zmin)/data.shape2 nx=u.shape1 nx=u.shape2

assert dx > 0, "dx must be positive" assert dy > 0, "dy must be positive" assert dz > 0, "dz must be positive" X=u.getFunctionSpace().getX()
for p in xrange( u.getNumberOfDataPoints() ): x,y,z=X.getTupleForDataPoint(p) if xmin<= x and x <= xmax and ymin<= y and y <= ymax and zmin<= z and z <= zmax: if len(data.shape) == 1: ix=min(nx-1,max(0,int((x-xmin)/dx))) u.setValueOfDataPoint(p, data[ix]) elif len(data.shape) == 2: ix=min(nx-1,max(0,int((x-xmin)/dx))) iz=min(nz-1,max(0,int((z-zmin)/dz))) u.setValueOfDataPoint(p, data[ix,iz]) else: ix=min(nx-1,max(0,int((x-xmin)/dx))) iy=min(ny-1,max(0,int((y-ymin)/dy))) iz=min(nz-1,max(0,int((z-zmin)/dz))) u.setValueOfDataPoint(p, data[ix,iy,iz]) return u

LutzGross commented 2 years ago

duplicate of #42