Lux-AI-Challenge / Lux-Design-S1

Home to the design and engine of the @Lux-AI-Challenge Season 1, hosted on @kaggle
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List of things that could have been done better and new features #142

Open StoneT2000 opened 2 years ago

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Made this a public issue since I'm 100% sure people want to see this + also leave feedback through Github (instead of a form or Discord or Kaggle forums) and there's a lot of problems that may get forgotten before we run this competition again.

Also note, these are just suggestions from our team, the community, but aren't necessarily going to be added subject to the community, developer time etc.

Main topics I've broken problems and new features down to:

Competition / Developer Flow / Tooling

Leaderboard / Evaluation System

(Some of these might not be possible on kaggle but we may hope)


Quality of Life


nosound2 commented 2 years ago

Can be nice to have all actions to be visible by default on GUI (maybe with a checkbox button). Specifically transfer with an arrow, cooldown with overheating icon, center action with a standby icon. It can significantly improve understanding what is going on regular replays.

Regarding the rules, maybe add action to units to move 2 cells and not one, by spending some extra fuel, let's say 20-30 fuel. It may improve the diversity of attacking strategies.

Additionally, maybe add a forth resource (oranges), which will pop up randomly on the map in small amounts after the first night and till the end.

And, of course, carts are great, just need to buff them up somehow.

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Awesome suggestions @nosound2

We actually considered exactly that idea about additional movement at the cost of some resources. This may or may not appear next season in some form.

For features that are non deterministic to a player like random oranges I'm not too sure, I think the already high variability in map generation and resource distributions creates significant variance in a game and doesn't need more randomness that could make a game unfair.

And for the visualizer/gui (and the error logs like warnings about collisions invalid actions etc), completely agree that they need to be more readable. So visuals for all actions (a common feedback on our mid season feedback), human readable ids, and others. Perhaps animations somehow would be a good idea. I think movement actions were quite clear with the smooth animations, perhaps we can similarly do so with all the others somehow, up to our designer.

nosound2 commented 2 years ago

That is cool, thanks.

Regarding the "oranges", after I wrote the proposal I realised that randomness in map generation after the initial generation is not acceptable. The whole map must be generated in the beginning. Then, maybe they can be generated from the start, but be activated at specific turns. So it will be known from the beginning where and when they appear.

The reason why I push this proposal is that I feel that mid-end game is a little bit static. Sometimes completely static, if all the resources are already collected or well-guarded. Having some options for a comeback, ability to "break the defence" of that wood cluster, or just in general to have some objectives in the mid-end game can be good.

Reducing number of allowed units on the map can help. Maybe by having a price for unit production.

royerk commented 2 years ago

Leaderboard: show full rank information. For example for a trueskill system: mean & sigma, it helps showing how stable is a bot.