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Add dotnet kit #154

Open ntovas opened 2 years ago

ntovas commented 2 years ago

I haven't implement yet the packing for the submission and the scripts provided are currently only for windows. If you want to include c# as a language let me know so I can finalize it.

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! We'd greatly appreciate this package!

Could you clarify that this is for windows only at the moment? And additionally update the readme and add a line e.g.

- C# (maintained by @ntovas)

at the bottom of getting started

Let me know when this PR is more or less ready and we can merge this in.

ntovas commented 2 years ago

I will add tomorrow the scripts required by Linux, actually they are exactly the same but with .sh extension and #!/bin/bash at the start of the file, and also I will add my handle so if anyone has issues to contact me. If you need anything else in order to run the submissions in the evaluation environment let me know.

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Only thing we need to do as well before merging is do a test submission using the script you provide.

ntovas commented 2 years ago

@StoneT2000 one last question, there is an option to include the dotnet core framework in the application and produce a single executable, with this option the submission file will be significantly bigger (~10-20MB vs ~100KB) but there will be no need to install the dotnet core framework in the evaluation vms/docker images. What direction should I follow?

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

I'm quite sure the competition servers have nothing related to dot net, so this may be required.

You can test it by downloading your new kit into a kaggle notebook and trying to run it with kaggle envs

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Ok given the number of new kits coming out suddenly (3 in a week!), i'll provide a test kaggle notebook where you can test your starter kit as ultimately the kit has to work on kaggle server vms (which are the same vms kaggle notebooks run on)

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago


Copy that and try running your dot net agent using the notebook. If it works, then your code is submittable to kaggle servers and we'll be happy to merge this in!

ntovas commented 2 years ago

@StoneT2000 Will do thanks, kind busy day at work today, so maybe tomorrow.

jorelius commented 2 years ago

I look forward to the official kit but while we wait I put together a self contained kit for dotnet.

Kit: Github Here is the Simple Kit running on Kaggle.

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Just bumping this thread back to check on progress @ntovas (no rush!)

Otherwise, curious @jorelius could you potentially review what was written here / give feedback?

It seems like this is mostly in some working state