LuxArdens / Stellaris---RPG-Traits-mod

Stellaris mod: RPG Traits
MIT License
11 stars 9 forks source link

Trait number limitation mechanic #23

Closed LuxArdens closed 6 years ago

LuxArdens commented 6 years ago

Since implementation of the trait regulation system, a core problem has been the trait count dilemma caused by the 'weighed random' nature of the traits assigned. Some species end up with 6 traits, and some with 10. Lite and ultralite don't really fix this but replace the problem with the risk of spawning species with just 1 or 2 traits instead.

Now drafting a new plan for adding a hard limit on the random number of traits based on "num_traits" condition. Shouldn't be too hard, and successful implementation will make Lite and Ultralite obsolete (also stopping the repetitive complaints on Steam about number of traits by people who don't read the documentation, as an added bonus)

LuxArdens commented 6 years ago

Trait regulation completely reworked. Notable changes:

  1. Species now never get more than 6 traits

  2. Trait assignment now has specific weighed chance modifiers and limits, allowing for easier and more complex adjustments

  3. FE now get fewer traits on average, but have an even higher chance of those traits being tier III.

  4. Threw out Lite and Ultralite because they are now fully obsolete.

  5. Fixed robots having very low habitability on basic worlds in Heavy. Anything with the Mechanical trait now gets a flat bonus to standard world types.