LuxArdens / Stellaris---RPG-Traits-mod

Stellaris mod: RPG Traits
MIT License
11 stars 9 forks source link

Organic Titanic races lacking 5x power generation #33

Closed TvoEx closed 6 years ago

TvoEx commented 6 years ago

Machine ones work a bit Too well though, with 5x to unity and science.

LuxArdens commented 6 years ago

Intentional. Energy has changed meaning as mentioned earlier. Higher building upkeep was removed as well, so that shouldn't be a problem. Ship upkeep is still X5 or 4 or something, because I can't split upkeep into minerals and energy, but reducing it to <4 would be nonsensical anyway because their ships are 5 times as large and should require 5 times the energy.

Machines being extremely easy to exploit into mad high production numbers was foreseen, but I'm still undecided on what to actually do about it without making robo-traits a watered down boring version of Organic traits.

TvoEx commented 6 years ago

I asked because building prices indicate massive structures, which would imply larger generators to satisfy greater need. It simply made sense, bigger and more expensive power plants = more power.

LuxArdens commented 6 years ago

That does make sense yes, but my rationale is that Titanic species also need all of that extra "power" (or organization) to run those buildings, and organize all of their other massive things.

Or approaching it from the other side: I did a quick Titanic testplay back when they still had their energy bonuses and it completely destroyed the balance, because all the other traits that used to provide energy bonuses have had their energy bonuses nerfed. Titans could spam leaders, armies and other energy-stuff like nothing and it made me decide to bring them in line with the recent change in design.

TvoEx commented 6 years ago

This actually brings up a different point, Tiny races, they are strong, really strong, give them genius from the negative points Tiny costs and they can out-science literally any space faring empire by mass science planets and AI doesn't dare invade because fleet capacity & technology is overwhelming regardless of how tiny their fleet actually is, which allows them to then mass fleet power in other ways, such as vassals as AI empires will practically beg to be their protectorate.

It was in a tiny play-through that I made the entire galaxy my protectorate before 2300.

I feel like tiny has their own glorious ways of doing things and it shouldn't give extra trait points for taking it. That's my opinion on the matter anyways.

LuxArdens commented 6 years ago

Yea I gave them the negative cost a while back, but I didn't know the AI views them as such a threat. I'll revert the cost to zero. I still need to remove their energy penalties anyway, so I'll improve the entire package where necessary.

Taking a +genius is always an option though, and I've taken a very straight-forward "not-my-problem" approach to people min-maxing this mod. Similarly, having no actual fleet and intimidating the AI into protectorates is really a cheesy tactic.