Closed patro1 closed 7 months ago
Fixed in v0.8.7916-beta. of course, the glass has options for outbound of transparency and that can be used to control the effect that should be used with thick glasses, and that's a different case.
does "options for outbound of transparency" has a different name in the glass material setting? or is it yet not implemented? because I can't find it
what option do you mean exactlly?
Fixed in v0.8.7916-beta. of course, the glass has options for outbound of transparency and that can be used to control the effect that should be used with thick glasses, and that's a different case.
outbound of transparency as you wrote
Wait i add more options to glass and for caustic that you will love.
will you share a nightly or create a new build given the latest improvments? as i understand the settings for glass, like caustics, are hardcoded for now.
the problem was not about the glass it's about something called SDS. I'll share it soon.
What about dispersion and or abbe number, so to can render diamond with dispersion. does this needs to be implemented?
i already add two remain parameters. it will be released very soon.
Lux glass render black in some cases, especially when the obeject has thickness. like a vase or a glass or bottle.