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Right side of page truncated #118

Open Zentrik opened 2 months ago

Zentrik commented 2 months ago

If I split screen my browser i.e. the window is roughly 1440x1280px, part of the right side of the page is truncated and there is no horizontal scroll bar.

E.g. image image

I see this on edge, chrome and firefox.

asinghvi17 commented 2 months ago

It looks like the top bar is the only thing that's cut off here. Does it persist after interacting with the page (clicking a link or reloading)?

Zentrik commented 2 months ago

It persists after a reload and switching to another page. You are correct in that it seems to only be the top bar that is cut off.

asinghvi17 commented 2 months ago

Which OS is this? I can't replicate this locally on my Mac with Chrome (on mouse) - it always either gives me a scroll bar or collapses the top bar.

Zentrik commented 2 months ago

Windows 10.