LuxDL / DocumenterVitepress.jl

Documentation with Documenter.jl and VitePress
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Default template ignores description #142

Closed jkrumbiegel closed 3 weeks ago

jkrumbiegel commented 1 month ago

the default template has A VitePress Site hardcoded for the description, so without creating a template manually, users will not get their custom description from the settings object.

lazarusA commented 3 weeks ago

so, we need another REPLACE_ME call here, with the content coming from description in and if not available have a better default? like A site for "package_name" 😄 .

I think we should have the second option. Since, sometimes the descriptions in the are too long.

asinghvi17 commented 3 weeks ago

I merged #152 to fix that, it's just that the REPLACE_ME wasn't in the template. Should be fixed now.