LuxDL / DocumenterVitepress.jl

Documentation with Documenter.jl and VitePress
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Remove duplicate priority for MIME"text/html" and document priority order #52

Closed LilithHafner closed 4 months ago

LilithHafner commented 4 months ago

This is not a NFC because it changes mime_priority(MIME"text/plain"()) from 12 to 2. It would be a NFC if we removed the first definition instead of the second.

LilithHafner commented 4 months ago

This avoids a warning when building documentation:

WARNING: Method definition mime_priority(Base.Multimedia.MIME{Symbol("text/html")}) in module DocumenterVitepress at /home/runner/.julia/packages/DocumenterVitepress/vt5GZ/src/writer.jl:407 overwritten at /home/runner/.julia/packages/DocumenterVitepress/vt5GZ/src/writer.jl:417.
ERROR: Method overwriting is not permitted during Module precompilation. Use `__precompile__(false)` to opt-out of precompilation.

LilithHafner commented 4 months ago

Duplicate of #51