LuxDL / LuxNeuralOperators.jl

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Feature Parity with NeuralOperators.jl #1

Open avik-pal opened 5 months ago

avik-pal commented 5 months ago
ayushinav commented 2 weeks ago

IIUC, MNOs are not really a different architecture. Its using mostly another NO, FNO being used in the work, and defining different loss functions. We can add a number of other architectures though, eg., UNO, variants of DeepONets such as DeepM&Mnets and others. This work provides a good review of operators we can add. @avik-pal @ChrisRackauckas

ayushinav commented 2 weeks ago

Also, the continuous form would be another good addition.

ayushinav commented 1 week ago

I'm struggling a bit to implement the continuous variant and would appreciate some discussion here. The general form of NO is

\mathcal{G}_{\theta} = \mathcal{Q} \circ \sigma_T(W_{T-1} + \mathcal{K}_{T-1}+ b_{T-1}) \circ \dots \circ \sigma_1(W_0 + \mathcal{K}_0+ b_0) \circ \mathcal{P}

$\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{Q}$ are local operators that lift and project. IIUC, we would not need them as networks but as functions (?). Similarly, $W_t$'s should be functions too?

Coming to the kernel part $\mathcal{K}_t$'s, one version of the same is defined as:

(\mathcal{K}_t(v_t))(x) = \int_{D_t} \kappa^{(t)}(x,y) v_t(y) dy \quad \forall x \in D_t$

Now, $\kappa^{(t)}$ should be another function that takes in $x,y$. We'd need to have the domains defined for computing the integrals (the PDFs would be better but for now we can start with uniform distributions). The first kernel will have the domains defined by the input but will change for the subsequent layers, so we need to propagate the domains as well? Also, I'm not clear where the networks come in here. We can obviously have networks as function approximators for $\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{Q}, W_t, \kappa^{(t)}$ but I wanted to make sure if that's the case. @avik-pal @ChrisRackauckas