Maybe explaining the difference between Qiskit and PennyLane (PennyLane -- tensor based with enhanced capacity for QML)
Short description of the used hardware (A100 multi-node)
Showing a short table of what you compile (the different backends available on the platforms (ex:Kokkos))
Add link to PennyLane website
Carefull with Quantum Fourier Transform. Suppose that the audience don't know it. Maybe git a brief explanation of it and for what purpose is it useful
Offload to cuQuantum is nice but reduce plot size
mel2183:rank0.python: Failed to modify UD QP to INIT on mlx5_1: Operation not permitted : Add the env variable in the kernel such that the error does not pop up
Possible to get a screenshot of a dashboard to see GPU usage with > 30 qubits ?
Distributed QC : Maybe add a figure to explain how it works
General comments
mel2183:rank0.python: Failed to modify UD QP to INIT on mlx5_1: Operation not permitted
: Add the env variable in the kernel such that the error does not pop upMinor comments