Luxocracy / NeatPlates

NeatPlates is a continuation of the original Tidy Plates in an attempt to keep it update date in the absence of its authors.
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Friendly NPC vendor text #132

Closed CrustyCode closed 5 years ago

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

I'm not seeing any options to show for example: "\<Cloth Armor Merchant>, \<Tailoring Supplies>, etc" underneath friendly NPCs. Did I miss this option, or can this be implemented please?

Luxocracy commented 5 years ago

In healthbar mode it doesn't exist, I've been considering adding it along side guild names. But it does exist in Headline/text only mode under Enemy/Friendly Headline Subtext.

Usually you would run with All NPCs disabled for friendly units and then enabling Active/Damaged Units if you were interested in displaying that information.

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

None of the settings under "Friendly Headline Subtext" seem to be showing the vendor text I'm looking for unfortunately.

I want to avoid having to toggle because the default nametag text is super pixelated and the goal is to set and forget.

Luxocracy commented 5 years ago

It's called NPC Role

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

With NPC Role enabled, it says "Friendly" under these vendor NPCs.

Luxocracy commented 5 years ago

That is quite odd, none of the options should display what their reaction is. Any chance you could send me a screenshot? And maybe I can tell what is going from that.

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

Just double checked that I am running the latest version:

Luxocracy commented 5 years ago

Ok, so I think I've figured out what is going on. I forgot myself how this works, but it grabs the NPC role information from your tooltip, the second row more specifically. So I am assuming your tooltip addon is changing the order of these items and causing it to mess up.

I'll have to look into if there's some more reliable way to grab it but that is what's going on right now.

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. I'm struggling to find the offender though, I thought it was TinyTooltip, but apparently not.

AddOn list: !MoncaiCompare AdvancedInterfaceOptions ArkInventoryClassic ArkInventoryClassicConfig ArkInventoryClassicRules ArkInventoryClassicRules_Example ArkInventoryClassicSearch Atlas AtlasLootClassic AtlasLootClassic_Collections AtlasLootClassic_Crafting AtlasLootClassic_DungeonsAndRaids AtlasLootClassic_Factions AtlasLootClassic_Options AtlasLootClassic_PvP Atlas_ClassicWoW Auctionator ClassicSpellActivations ClassicThreatMeter DingPics Dominos Dominos_Cast Dominos_Config Dominos_Encounter Dominos_Progress Dominos_Roll FiveSecondRule FriendsInfo Leatrix_Maps Leatrix_Plus LunaUnitFrames MonkeyBuddy MonkeyLibrary MonkeyQuest MonkeyQuestLog NeatPlates NeatPlatesHub NeatPlatesWidgets NeatPlates_Alvara NeatPlates_BlizzardPlates NeatPlates_ClassicPlates NeatPlates_Graphite NeatPlates_Grey NeatPlates_Neon NeatPlates_Quatre NeatPlates_Renaitre NeatPlates_Roth NeatPlates_Simple NeatPlates_Slim_Horizontal NeatPlates_Slim_Vertical OmniCC OmniCC_Config Prat-3.0 Prat-3.0_Libraries QuestLogEx Questie RealMobHealth Recount RingMenu WeakAuras WeakAurasModelPaths WeakAurasOptions WeaponSwingTimer XpCounter

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

All AddOns off, my tooltip looks like this: Friendly in the second row.

Luxocracy commented 5 years ago

Are you color blind by chance? Because I'm able to replicate this if I enable the "colorblindMode" CVar.

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

I am! It's adding lines to the tooltip in colourblind mode, just checked. :)

Luxocracy commented 5 years ago

Well I should be able to add an exception for when this CVar is enabled so this should work properly for you in the next release.

CrustyCode commented 5 years ago

Awesome, thank you.