Luxocracy / NeatPlates

NeatPlates is a continuation of the original Tidy Plates in an attempt to keep it update date in the absence of its authors.
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Feature request- More scaling options #312

Open Golrathx opened 2 years ago

Golrathx commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to add the ability to have multiple different scaling options. Such as setting counterstrike totem/psyfiend and other important abilities to a larger scale, yet still be able to downscale pets/minor minions.

Luxocracy commented 2 years ago

The question of multiple scaling/filter options have been asked before, and it is something that I do want to add. But it does require a re-work of the current scaling/filtering system.

A re-work would hopefully mean that I could combine opacity, scaling, filters, and color conditions into one component. Which would not only make it easier to understand, and would also allow for more control over the feature.