Luxoft / Twister

Twister Test Automation Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Java applet webpage will not load #138

Closed evopkay closed 10 years ago

evopkay commented 10 years ago

@promihu @VasiliyS @dcioata @elenabratanova @bogdanpopescu Not Found The requested URL /twister was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

As per the Document

  1. Install Apache and start the service; make sure the document root is set to /var/www How ever it dosent mention where to set document root to. Edited httpd.conf and added the below entries

ServerName pepper-virtual-machine DocumentRoot "/var/wwww"

Also did step number 6

  1. Make /var/www/twister directory and copy twister/binaries/applet/* into this directory

CE engine page loads

IP and Port Machine pepper-virtual-machine System Peppermint 5 trusty Server Type no_type Server Version 3.042

Please check.

bogdanpopescu commented 10 years ago

@evopkay This is an apache configuration issue. The document root should be set in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file, like this:

VirtualHost *:80 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all
    AddHandler mod_python .py
evopkay commented 10 years ago

@promihu @VasiliyS @dcioata @elenabratanova @bogdanpopescu

This didnt work , same issue persists. Does twister need to be in a domain as the machine accessing the java applet UI?

Installed twister on a ubuntu 12.04 server with the steps mentioned in the document. Was able to see the twister UI but not able to log in. Apart from the user/password mentioned in the document , everything else was copied verbatim.

Also assigned the respective roles to the user we created in users and groups.ini Was able to reach the log in page but when clicking login , nothing happened.Why ?

Also no logs were shown in the CE interface logging.

bogdanpopescu commented 10 years ago

@evopkay If you get the Twister welcome page and you cannot connect to Twister, please get the latest binaries of GUI from binaries/applet directory and copy them in /var/www/twister. We updated a few minutes ago a fix for GUI.

bogdanpopescu commented 10 years ago

@evopkay Any update on this issue ?