Luxoft / Twister

Twister Test Automation Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot add components to testbed, cannot add any properties or even edit existing properties #177

Closed dlal66 closed 8 years ago

dlal66 commented 9 years ago

I just downloaded the latest twister code and it installed fine. I am having issues doing anything on the testbed configuration page. I can add a TB but after that the screens on the right are grayed out and I am unable to add anything. For exiting TB's I can see some properties (e.g IP) but cannot edit them

bogdanpopescu commented 9 years ago

@dlal66 Hi,

You have to reserve the test bed before adding/editing the components. Right-click on the test bed and select Reserve. After this, you should be able to edit it.

dlal66 commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot. I do not believe this is mentioned in the user manual. Follow-up question: How can I set the EP? After defining my testbed (devices, IP addresses) I'd like to define a SUT. On the bottom half of the screen it say "SET EP" in addittion to some other options. They are all Greyed out. I tried "Locking" the SUT but that does nothing.

Thanks .

bogdanpopescu commented 9 years ago

@dlal66 Hi,

You should follow these steps:

  1. Go to Configuration->System Under test
  2. Select User or Global ( User is recommended for the begining to avoid issues with file permissions )
  3. Press New button and name your SUT
  4. Select the new SUT and press Oen button
  5. Now you can use Set EP button on the bellow window ( you need to have the client started to be able to see the configured EP's ).
  6. Save the changes

I hope this helps

dlal66 commented 9 years ago

Thank you!

dlal66 commented 9 years ago

I have started playing the platform and am hitting some road blocks. I am using perl and am not sure how to access the properties of a resource. I am able to use get_resource() to get the resource and printing it in perl displays {'meta":xxx, 'ip' :'}. How do I get access to the 'ip' property value?

Are there any resources that explain the usage is perl?


dlal66 commented 9 years ago

Please ignore the previous question. I can simply use string operation to retrieve the value.