LuyiTian / FLAMES

Full-length transcriptome splicing and mutation analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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minimap error using #13

Open aheravi opened 3 years ago

aheravi commented 3 years ago

Hi @LuyiTian , Could you please comment on my error below?

Running code:

for i in test; do /FLAMES/python/ --gff3 hg38v99.Cellranger.genes.gtf --infq $i.demultiplexed.fq.gz --outdir FLAMES_Output/$i --genomefa hg38v99.Cellranger.genome.fa --config_file /FLAMES/config_sclr_nanopore_default.json --minimap2_dir /Software/anaconda_py2/bin/  >$i.log 2>&1 & done


Use config file: config_sclr_nanopore_default.json

Parameters in configuration file:

comment : this is the default config for nanopore single cell long read data using 10X RNA-seq kit. use splice annotation in alignment.


    has_UMI : True

    generate_raw_isoform : False


    Min_sup_pct : 0.2


    random_seed : 666666

    Min_cnt_pct : 0.001

    MAX_DIST : 10

    Min_sup_cnt : 5

    MAX_TS_DIST : 120

    Max_site_per_splice : 3

    strand_specific : -1

    remove_incomp_reads : 4

    min_fl_exon_len : 40


    do_transcript_quantification : True

    do_read_realignment : True

    do_genome_alignment : True

    do_isoform_identification : True


    min_tr_coverage : 0.4

    min_read_coverage : 0.4


    use_annotation : True


    no_flank : False

    use_junctions : True

output directory not exist, create one:


Input parameters:

    gene annotation: hg38v99.Cellranger.genes.gtf

    genome fasta: hg38v99.Cellranger.genome.fa

    input fastq: test.demultiplexed.fq.gz

    output directory: FLAMES_Output/test

    directory contains minimap2: /Software/anaconda_py2/bin/

### align reads to genome using minimap2 2021-01-30 12:48:05

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/FLAMES/python/", line 213, in <module>


  File "/FLAMES/python/", line 159, in sc_long_pipeline

    minimap2_align(args.minimap2_dir, args.genomefa, args.infq, tmp_bam, no_flank=config_dict["alignment_parameters"]["no_flank"], bed12_junc=tmp_bed if config_dict["alignment_parameters"]["use_junctions"] else None)

  File "/FLAMES/python/", line 37, in minimap2_align

    print subprocess.check_output([align_cmd], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

  File "/Software/anaconda_py2/lib/python2.7/", line 223, in check_output

    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)

subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/Software/anaconda_py2/bin/minimap2 -ax splice -t 12 --junc-bed FLAMES_Output/test/tmp.splice_anno.bed12 --junc-bonus 1  -k14 --secondary=no hg38v99.Cellranger.genome.fa test.demultiplexed.fq.gz | samtools view -bS -@ 4 -m 2G -o FLAMES_Output/test/tmp.align.bam -  ']' returned non-zero exit status 1
ChangqingW commented 2 years ago

could you run

/Software/anaconda_py2/bin/minimap2 -ax splice -t 12 --junc-bed FLAMES_Output/test/tmp.splice_anno.bed12 --junc-bonus 1  -k14 --secondary=no hg38v99.Cellranger.genome.fa test.demultiplexed.fq.gz | samtools view -bS -@ 4 -m 2G -o FLAMES_Output/test/tmp.align.bam -

and see if minimap2 / samtools print any error message?