I tried running the example in the example folder of the python installation of FLAMES which gives an error:
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['samtools faidx FLAMES_output/transcript_assembly.fa']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
I noticed that the transcript_assembly.fa file is empty. In the get_transcript_seq function in gff3_to_fa.py, it exits the first for loop right away as the following statement is false: if ch not in chr_to_gene:. However, it also does not enter the next for loop (for tr_seq in global_seq_dict:) because the dictionary is empty. I'd really appreciate your help.
Hi, I tried running the example in the example folder of the python installation of FLAMES which gives an error:
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['samtools faidx FLAMES_output/transcript_assembly.fa']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
I noticed that the transcript_assembly.fa file is empty. In the get_transcript_seq function in gff3_to_fa.py, it exits the first for loop right away as the following statement is false:if ch not in chr_to_gene:
. However, it also does not enter the next for loop (for tr_seq in global_seq_dict:
) because the dictionary is empty. I'd really appreciate your help.