LuyiTian / scPipe

a pipeline for single cell RNA-seq data analysis
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Error in sc_trim_barcode #143

Closed satzel closed 2 years ago

satzel commented 2 years ago


I am trying to run scPipe and run into an error when executing:

                read_structure = read_structure)

The error I get is:

_Error in rcpp_sc_trim_barcode_paired(outfq, r1, r2, readstructure$bs1, : Can't open file: ~/some/path/combined.fastq

data_dir is correctly set.

I don't quite understand, if R is supposed to create this file or if I have to create it as an empty file (tried both, didn't change anything) or what else I have to do, to make it run.

Any help would be appreciated cheers saskia

PeteHaitch commented 2 years ago

Can you please post the output of running file.path(data_dir,"combined.fastq").

satzel commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply @PeteHaitch

[1] "~/some/path/combined.fastq"

When I try to put a file name directly in the command like so:

    outfq = "trimmed.fastq",
    r1 = fq_R1,
    r2 = fq_R2,
    read_structure = read_structure

I get

Error in if (outdir != character(0) && !dir.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir, : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

as a side note, when I keep going in the script and try this

barcode_anno = "sample_index.csv"
exon_anno = "Annotation/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.91.gff3"

    infq = combined_fastq,
    outcsv = barcode_anno,       # bacode annotation output file name
    bc_len = read_structure$bl2, # 16bp barcode
    max_reads = 5000000,         # only process first 5 million reads
    min_count = 100              # discard cell barcodes with few than 100 hits

it runs without error and the csv file is created (its empty cause the input is not right but the file is created) in the same folder I am trying to run the other command it. so it doesn't seem an issue with the output folder.

PeteHaitch commented 2 years ago

Does the directory ~/some/path actually exist on your computer? I'm guessing it doesn't. Have you copy+pasted this code from somewhere? If you want to use this exact code, then data_dir has to be a real directory on your computer.

satzel commented 2 years ago

@PeteHaitch yes it does exist on my computer

It's the same path I use to read files in and save output to, which all works fine

PeteHaitch commented 2 years ago

Okay. Can you please supply the output of sessionInfo() and, ideally, a minimal reproducible example (including example FASTQ file). It's a bit hard to help further without these details.

satzel commented 2 years ago

thanks @PeteHaitch I managed to figure it out, even though all the paths were correct it doesn't run when there is a ~ in the path...

Shians commented 2 years ago

Tilde expansion should work, I may have missed it in certain functions, will leave myself a note here to check it.