Reusability: based (and extensible) on PyBullet physics, interfaces to OpenAI Gym and RLlib MultiAgentEnv
Activity: 3 open, 16 closed issues; 1 open, 5 closed PRs
Installability: very few dependancies (numpy Pillow matplotlib cycler gym pybullet stable_baselines3 ray[rllib])
Documentation: yes
Uniqueness: related to other quadcopter simulations (AirSim, Flightmare, etc.) but using a different language, physics, rendering, RL interfaces
Performance: see
Reusability: based (and extensible) on PyBullet physics, interfaces to OpenAI Gym and RLlib MultiAgentEnv Activity: 3 open, 16 closed issues; 1 open, 5 closed PRs Installability: very few dependancies (numpy Pillow matplotlib cycler gym pybullet stable_baselines3 ray[rllib]) Documentation: yes Uniqueness: related to other quadcopter simulations (AirSim, Flightmare, etc.) but using a different language, physics, rendering, RL interfaces Performance: see