Lyall / GBFRelinkFix

A fix for Granblue Fantasy: Relink that adds support for custom resolutions, ultrawide and more.
MIT License
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Seems like setting a custom resolution in the ini does not work #23

Open GooningAcolyte opened 4 months ago

GooningAcolyte commented 4 months ago

I want to play as close to 120 fps as possible with Ultra settings.

To do that I'm gonna need the help of Radeon Super Resolution, however it seems the only way i can use this widescreen fix at lower in game resolutions is to keep the Width and Height at 0 and drop the resolution of my display in windows.

That may give me an fps boost but doesn't allow the use of RSR because the in game resolution needs to be lower than the native.

Maybe I'm overlooking something really simple, I just haven't seen anybody else mention this yet.

Lyall commented 4 months ago

Can you post your GBFRelink.log file please?

GooningAcolyte commented 4 months ago



I see now that it's lowering the resolution like i want but the "...lower than native resolution" (5120x1440) is still not being recognized.

Lyall commented 4 months ago

Sounds like it's potentially an issue with RSR as opposed to the fix. What display mode are you running the game in? Windowed/borderless/fullscreen?

I'm not very familiar with RSR due to being on an Nvidia GPU.

GooningAcolyte commented 4 months ago

I play in fullscreen, however i did try setting to borderless but all that did was give me a an actual borderless window of the game centered on my screen with my desktop in the background.