Lyall / GBFRelinkFix

A fix for Granblue Fantasy: Relink that adds support for custom resolutions, ultrawide and more.
MIT License
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[Bug]: Doesn't seem to work after switch to Windows 11? #27

Closed tomvoelske closed 4 months ago

tomvoelske commented 4 months ago

Issue Summary:

Mod was working amazingly well (played the same day as the installation of Windows 11), but after installing Windows 11, it doesn't work anymore. Curiously, it doesn't seem to even write to the log. My last written log was before the installation.

I've reinstalled GBF:Relink and downloaded the latest version of this fix to no avail. I've also tried running the .exe directly as admin, also didn't change anything.

All .ini settings set to default

GBFRelinkFix & Game Version Numbers:

Fix 1.0.4, game build at 13Feb

Log Files:


The file itself is not being written to - as if this fix is being bypassed entirely. I edited the .ini before the most recent run, which failed, but as you can see the log file did not update at all (the time there is before I migrated to W11)

This is the log file which was generated when it was working prior to the W11 installation:


tomvoelske commented 4 months ago

Okay, for some mysterious reason, this has started working again after a few restarts - will close issue and just put it down to the magic of Windows