Lyall / GBFRelinkFix

A fix for Granblue Fantasy: Relink that adds support for custom resolutions, ultrawide and more.
MIT License
205 stars 4 forks source link

[Bug]: Odd autodetected HUD layout with Span HUD Aspect Ratio = 0 #30

Closed poteto closed 4 months ago

poteto commented 4 months ago

Issue Summary:

I just updated to GBFRelinkFix 1.0.5 from 1.0.3 and noticed the HUD looks off. Peeking at the logs and wildly guessing, it seems like the aspect ratio might not be auto detecting correctly?

Confirmed by manually setting my Span HUD AspectRatio to 2.3888, which fixes it.

GBFRelinkFix & Game Version Numbers:

GBFRelinkFix 1.0.5 Game version 1.0.5


Log Files:




Download and unzip 1.0.5, start game with default GBFRelinkFix settings.

Lyall commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the detailed report! And you're spot on with identifying the issue!

Looks like I made a silly copy+paste error. When fHUDAspectRatio is set to 0, it's supposed to automatically set it to your aspect ratio but I'd accidently deleted that part of code in the commit (whoops). I have fixed this error and released v1.0.6 with it included.

poteto commented 4 months ago

Awesome, glad it was useful! And thanks so much for creating this mod 🤍