Lyall / GBFRelinkFix

A fix for Granblue Fantasy: Relink that adds support for custom resolutions, ultrawide and more.
MIT License
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[Bug]: some settings don't work on 1.2.1 #45

Closed RebornZA closed 2 months ago

RebornZA commented 2 months ago

Issue Summary:

FOV and Gameplay Camera Distance not working in 1.2.1.

GBFRelinkFix & Game Version Numbers:

GBFRelinkFix 1.1.0, Game: 1.2.1

Log Files:

[2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: iInjectionDelay: 1000ms [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bCustomResolution: true [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: iCustomResX: 0 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: iCustomResY: 0 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: fFOVMulti: 1.2 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: fCamDistMulti: 0.5 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bHUDFix: true [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bSpanHUD: true [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: fHUDAspectRatio: 0 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bSpanAllHUD: false [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bSpanAllBackgrounds: false [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bAspectFix: true [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bFOVFix: true [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bShadowQuality: true [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: iShadowQuality: 4096 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: fLODMulti: 2 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bDisableTAA: false [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: bFPSCap: false [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: iCustomResX: Desktop Width: 1920 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: iCustomResY: Desktop Height: 1080 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Config Parse: fHUDAspectRatio = 0, set to 1.7777778 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] ---------- [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: fAspectRatio: 1.7777778 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: fAspectMultiplier: 1 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: fHUDWidth: 1920 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: fHUDHeight: 1080 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: fHUDWidthOffset: 0 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: fHUDHeightOffset: 0 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.771] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] ---------- [2024-05-01 12:52:34.773] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+1ff234 [2024-05-01 12:52:34.773] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Custom Resolution: Applied custom resolution of 1920x1080 [2024-05-01 12:52:35.798] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Screen Effects: Address 1 is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+19ffc8a [2024-05-01 12:52:35.805] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Aspect Ratio: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+690c31 [2024-05-01 12:52:35.812] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Gameplay Camera: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+8897eb [2024-05-01 12:52:35.842] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] UI Markers: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+1e95ff4 [2024-05-01 12:52:35.871] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] UI Backgrounds: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+2977a74 [2024-05-01 12:52:35.908] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] UI Constraints: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+1f76be8 [2024-05-01 12:52:35.912] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Shadow Quality: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+1ca6b0 [2024-05-01 12:52:35.918] [GBFRelinkFix] [info] Level of Detail: Address is granblue_fantasy_relink.exe+74e0c7


FOV and Gameplay Camera Distance, for example does nothing since running 1.2.1 game version.

Lyall commented 2 months ago

Looks like the FOV multiplier still works fine but the camera distance multiplier was busted. Can you try out this test build to see if it works for you now?

RebornZA commented 2 months ago

Will test, thanks for the quick reply! Give me a bit.

RebornZA commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the fix. Working. Nice and close again!