Lyall / MGSHDFix

A fix that adds custom resolutions, ultrawide support and much more to the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection.
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[Bug] MGS2/3HD issue: FOV too tight indoors #48

Open JikoKinsoku opened 1 year ago

JikoKinsoku commented 1 year ago

Below is an image of MGS2 HD as it stands. image Below is an image of a bug that regresses the camera to its default for a single frame. (Press first person view button, then one frame later pause) image

One of the biggest issues with MGS2 is the viewport being too tight, characters often disappear off-screen entirely.

Default: image

Older FOV: image

Thank you for considering this issue.


You'll see out of bounds, though. I don't see how it could be fixed without editing the geometry to fill in those areas, but even then you couldn't do it for all of them. Perhaps a 4:3 mode of some sort could work.

JikoKinsoku commented 1 year ago

4:3 mode would work, but the option to see out of bounds would be fine too.

Manu270891 commented 1 year ago

The HD collection actually reduced the FOV in certain scenes to hide missing geometry. The original PC version had a widescreen fix that could simply extend the FOV from the original 4:3 aspect ratio (showing the missing geometry in certain scenes) or reduce it in certain scenes by editing the "" file. Here are the values matching to the HD collection version.

Reonu commented 1 year ago

Could the FoV be partially restored on 16:10 screens? On the Steam Deck the FoV could be closer to the original since 16:10 is less wide than 16:9. Not sure if this is already the case with this mod.

hiraulito commented 5 months ago

Is this issue present on MGS 3? Even though it has free camera?

JikoKinsoku commented 4 months ago

The free camera isn't effected, but multiple indoor scenes are effected in the Snake Eater Camera. Notably, in Groznyj Grad West, the weapon storage has a tighter FOV during the night time section (pre torture) and they forgot to do this for the daytime section (post torture). So you can see out of bounds there.

But Granin's Lab and such also suffer from tighter FOV.