Lyall / MGSHDFix

A fix that adds custom resolutions, ultrawide support and much more to the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection.
MIT License
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The Reshade compatibility workaround doesn't seem to work properly #86

Open PutoJooj opened 5 months ago

PutoJooj commented 5 months ago

I've tried multiple versions of Reshade, but every time I open the game (MGS3 specifically) with both Reshade and MGSHDFix installed, it just crashes or doesn't open. Is there anything that can be done?

ShizCalev commented 5 months ago

No issue here using reshade and MGSHDFix at the same time. Post your log files.

PutoJooj commented 5 months ago

I tried again after a fresh reinstall, it opened the first time. But from the second time onwards, it doesn't open anymore.

dxgi (first time opening, no crash).log MGSHDFix (first time opening, no crash).log

dxgi (second time opening, crash).log MGSHDFix (second time opening, crash).log

ShizCalev commented 5 months ago

23:02:03:981 [04012] | INFO | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' (64-bit) built on '2021-01-09 21:12:36'

uh.... you're using a 3 year old unofficial version of reshade, that may be why...

MGS3 Gamma

delete all your reshade stuff & give this version a go.

PutoJooj commented 5 months ago

The thing is that I tried multiple versions, the most recent one from didn't work, so I tried older ones which I got from the repository forum because I've seen some folks comment that older versions of reshade worked for them, that's why I was using it, but yeah, I'll give this a try, thanks