Lyall / MetaphorFix

A fix for Metaphor: ReFantazio that adds ultrawide/narrower support and much more.
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Exclusive Fullscreen is unusable #2

Open SandeMC opened 2 months ago

SandeMC commented 2 months ago

Enabling Exclusive Fullscreen changes your refresh rate, and when you alt tab, it turns it off and turns the game to Borderless. Could both be fixed?

UPD: Apparently it does go back to Exclusive... sometimes

Proposed solutions:

SandeMC commented 1 month ago

@Lyall I don't think Atlus plans to fix either of those; I don't use Exclusive personally, but can a fix be done for either of these?

Foul-Tarnished commented 1 month ago

You should stop using Fullscreen exclusive, it's worse than borderless in every way, especially on windows 11

You can use SpecialK to make sure the game run with dxgi flip model (proper modern borderless) see more infos here

SandeMC commented 1 month ago

You should stop using Fullscreen exclusive, it's worse than borderless in every way, especially on windows 11

You can use SpecialK to make sure the game run with dxgi flip model (proper modern borderless) see more infos here

I already said I don't use Exclusive myself, but there's people that do, so the broken Exclusive fullscreen is a problem.

Foul-Tarnished commented 1 month ago

well they shouldn't.

SpecialK also has a "Fake Fullscreen" feature

SandeMC commented 1 month ago

Why are you even arguing about this to me? I'm just pointing out a broken vanilla feature that can be potentially fixed. I already know borderless is better, you don't need to sell special k to me either

system2ckc commented 1 month ago

I actually lost the ability to run exclusive full screen. I'm not sure if the patch changed it or something else, but full-screen is running under dxgi flip now and I only use metaphorfix and reshade. Also if i set fullscreen to like 1080 it doesn't scale to my full 4k display. Its the size of 1080p w/ no borders at all and I can see my desktop behind it.

Edit: turns out it was renodx causing that behavior.