Lyall / RERevFix

RERevFix is a DLL hook that fixes various issues with Resident Evil Revelations relating to ultrawide support and more.
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[Feature request] remove the 720p limit for pre rendered cutscenes. #3

Open RiasatSalminSami opened 1 year ago

RiasatSalminSami commented 1 year ago

As the title suggests, this game seems to have a limit on the resolution for pre rendered cutscenes. Anything above 720p videos causes the game to just crash while that cutscene video gets triggered.

This game uses wmv3/vc1 format. This format is very limiting. But 1080p 60 and 1440p 30 fps cutscenes should theoretically be possible. Resident Evil 6 uses the same wmv3 format and it's possible to get 1080p60 and 1440p30 videos to work on that game.

Ideally we'd want 4k60 fps cutscene support. But for now, even 1080p 60 cutscene support would be much better than the default 720p60 limit of this game [Yes, I've replaced the original 720p30 fps cutscenes with 720p60 fps cutscene videos and it works without crashing].
As for 4k support, maybe we have to somehow force the game to run videos of other formats.