Lyall / SMTVFix

A fix for ultrawide/narrower displays in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.
MIT License
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Force UI language change flag #13

Open SpaceGoat04 opened 1 week ago

SpaceGoat04 commented 1 week ago

I am aware the Steam release lets you change the language through the client game settings panel, however that is not an option with the Xbox release, forcing system language into the game for its UI.

I know this fix doesn't officially support the Xbox release as of today, but besides the intro and video skip flags (not sure about ultrawide fixes since I don't have a monitor like that) everything else related to UE4 changes seems to work with that release (TAA, GTAO etc.).

Would it be possible to have an optional setting forcing a specific language for the game? No need to make it Xbox specific, this could also force it for the Steam release, which so far, like I've mentioned before, seems to have partial effect on the Xbox version.

I've tried forcing a language change through Engine.ini ([Internationalization] Culture=en) and launch arguments to no effect. According to PCGamingWiki this flag works with Persona 3 Reload which also makes use of UE4 but it doesn't seem to work with this game.

The "fix" that I've found so far is to switch the whole Windows language to the desired one which is not optimal.

Lyall commented 1 week ago

This seems theoretically fixable but it would require interaction with the SDK which at the moment doesn't work with the Xbox version. So this is going to be on hold until that part can be addressed.