Lyall / SMTVFix

A fix for ultrawide/narrower displays in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.
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Demon render distance/LODs #17

Open Kingsern opened 2 weeks ago

Kingsern commented 2 weeks ago

Is it possible to increase the render distance/LODs for the demons? Some demons have very noticeable pop-in and poor LODs

Lyall commented 2 weeks ago

Can you show an example of what you mean? Are you talking detail pop-in, as they appear low-detail then pop-in to high detail? Or are you talking about them actually spawning into view?

Kingsern commented 2 weeks ago

Both, first vid enemies appearing suddenly, second vid quality pop in:

Lyall commented 2 weeks ago

The detail popping-in can be fixed with r.SkeletalMeshLODBias -1. As for the actual spawning of demons on the map, I'll need to look into it.

Kingsern commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you

Brandonspikes commented 2 weeks ago

Are we sure the enemies popping in and our aren't just them despawning and respawning for gameplay purposes.

Lyall commented 2 weeks ago

I've added the override for r.SkeletalMeshLODBias in the latest version (v0.8.7). I did some looking around and I wasn't able to find anything to control the spawning distance for demons. I suspect as @Brandonspikes said though, that even if it was found, tweaking it may cause issues.