Lyall / SMTVFix

A fix for ultrawide/narrower displays in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.
MIT License
60 stars 1 forks source link

Xbox Store? #3

Open JeffreyLynch opened 2 weeks ago

JeffreyLynch commented 2 weeks ago

This doesn't seem to work for the Xbox Store version. The Persona 3 Reload ultrawidescreen fix did.

SpaceGoat04 commented 2 weeks ago

The problem seems to be with the developer console, setting it to disabled will let the game boot. That being said the intro skip flag doesn't seem to work, can't say anything about ultrawide fixes since I don't have a monitor of that aspect ratio. TAA does work by the way, so it seems this is at least doing something with this version of the game.

Full log:

[2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] SMTVFix v0.8.2 loaded. [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Path to logfile: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64s751p9cej88mt\Project\Binaries\WinGDK\SMTVFix.log [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Name: SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64s751p9cej88mt\Project\Binaries\WinGDK\ [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Address: 0x140000000 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Timestamp: 1713418627 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Path to config file: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64__s751p9cej88mt\Project\Binaries\WinGDK\SMTVFix.ini [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bIntroSkip: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bEnableConsole: false [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bDisableMenuFPSCap: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bFixAspect: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bFixHUD: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bFixFOV: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bScreenPercentage: false [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: fScreenPercentage: 100 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bEnableTAA: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.800] [SMTVFix] [error] Current Resolution: Pattern scan failed. [2024-06-14 20:32:27.832] [SMTVFix] [info] Aspect Ratio/FOV: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+2020e28 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.868] [SMTVFix] [info] HUD: HUD Position: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+1cdcb24 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.913] [SMTVFix] [info] HUD: Markers: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+2430938 [2024-06-14 20:32:28.018] [SMTVFix] [info] CVARS: Anti Aliasing CVAR: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+43ca1c8 [2024-06-14 20:32:28.018] [SMTVFix] [info] CVARS: Half Res AO CVAR: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+42d3060 [2024-06-14 20:32:28.060] [SMTVFix] [info] Screen Percentage: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+226980c [2024-06-14 20:32:28.074] [SMTVFix] [info] Menu Framerate Cap: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+ba4c06

Note: "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64__s751p9cej88mt" seems to be the same than "C:\XboxGames\Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance\Content".

JeffreyLynch commented 2 weeks ago


The problem seems to be with the developer console, setting it to disabled will let the game boot. That being said the intro skip flag doesn't seem to work, can't say anything about ultrawide fixes since I don't have a monitor of that aspect ratio. TAA does work by the way, so it seems this is at least doing something with this version of the game.

Full log:

[2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] SMTVFix v0.8.2 loaded. [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Path to logfile: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64s751p9cej88mt\Project\Binaries\WinGDK\SMTVFix.log [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Name: SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64s751p9cej88mt\Project\Binaries\WinGDK [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Address: 0x140000000 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] Module Timestamp: 1713418627 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.369] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Path to config file: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64__s751p9cej88mt\Project\Binaries\WinGDK\SMTVFix.ini [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bIntroSkip: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bEnableConsole: false [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bDisableMenuFPSCap: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bFixAspect: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bFixHUD: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bFixFOV: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bScreenPercentage: false [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: fScreenPercentage: 100 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] Config Parse: bEnableTAA: true [2024-06-14 20:32:27.374] [SMTVFix] [info] ---------- [2024-06-14 20:32:27.800] [SMTVFix] [error] Current Resolution: Pattern scan failed. [2024-06-14 20:32:27.832] [SMTVFix] [info] Aspect Ratio/FOV: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+2020e28 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.868] [SMTVFix] [info] HUD: HUD Position: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+1cdcb24 [2024-06-14 20:32:27.913] [SMTVFix] [info] HUD: Markers: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+2430938 [2024-06-14 20:32:28.018] [SMTVFix] [info] CVARS: Anti Aliasing CVAR: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+43ca1c8 [2024-06-14 20:32:28.018] [SMTVFix] [info] CVARS: Half Res AO CVAR: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+42d3060 [2024-06-14 20:32:28.060] [SMTVFix] [info] Screen Percentage: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+226980c [2024-06-14 20:32:28.074] [SMTVFix] [info] Menu Framerate Cap: Address is SMT5V-WinGDK-Shipping.exe+ba4c06

Note: "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\SEGAofAmericaInc.654516CB659FE_1.7.1.0_x64__s751p9cej88mt" seems to be the same than "C:\XboxGames\Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance\Content".

This log dump actually helped me solve it. Putting the files in Project\Binaries\WinGDK rather than the default Project\Binaries\Win64 seemed to do the trick!

Lyall commented 2 weeks ago

I don't have access to the Xbox store version so the next best thing would be if you can dump the game executable using UWPDumper. Then I could at least compare the patterns on the exe. I can also add a separate release artifact for the Xbox store version too with the WinGDK folder already prepopulated.

Lyall commented 2 weeks ago

Okay thanks to being sent the Xbox Store version I've made some changes that should hopefully make SMTVFix compatible with it. Can you try out this test build? If you do, please post your log file after and let me know if anything doesn't work properly.

blueskythlikesclouds commented 2 weeks ago


Intro logo skip doesn't do anything. Developer console makes the game crash before any of the intro logos show up. Remove 60 FPS cap works. Screen percentage works. Enable TAA works. Shadow quality works. GTAO works.


Fix aspect ratio makes the game squished like this.

SpaceGoat04 commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure if this changes anything, but the intro sequence is slighty different from the Steam release. Just like Persona 3 Reload, a little message shows up before the intro logos confirming which Xbox user is going to play the game.

Got the same results too, the fix aspect ratio flag makes the game squished (at least with a 16:9 monitor). The TAA, TAAU Gen5 and GTAO flags work fine just like the regular build.

Lyall commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm it looks any part of the fix that relies on the dumped SDK doesn't work with the Xbox build.

blueskythlikesclouds commented 1 week ago

Would it help if I made a SDK dump myself and send it to you? (Take in mind I'm not sure how that goes.)

Lyall commented 1 week ago

Would it help if I made a SDK dump myself and send it to you? (Take in mind I'm not sure how that goes.)

Possibly, but I doubt it. Assuming the Xbox build runs the same version of UE4 it should be compatible but I'm not in familiar territory here.

Here's another build to try with more logging and checks.

blueskythlikesclouds commented 1 week ago


Developer console option isn't crashing anymore, and the squishing is gone. Intro skip still doesn't work. I'm not sure if the ultrawide options actually do anything though since I have a 16:9 screen.

Lyall commented 1 week ago


Developer console option isn't crashing anymore, and the squishing is gone. Intro skip still doesn't work. I'm not sure if the ultrawide options actually do anything though since I have a 16:9 screen.

Hmm, it's definitely failing to find objects that are fetched through the SDK. I'll have to think on it. I'm not sure if I'll be able to add support for the Xbox store version if it uses a different UE4 version.

JeffreyLynch commented 1 week ago


Developer console option isn't crashing anymore, and the squishing is gone. Intro skip still doesn't work. I'm not sure if the ultrawide options actually do anything though since I have a 16:9 screen.

I can confirm that ultrawide works on a 32:9 ultrawide screen.

mvidelatraduc commented 1 week ago

v0.8.6 isn't working on the Xbox Store version for me anymore, while v0.8.2 worked as long as it was placed in the WinGDK folder with no intro skipping as well as no developer console.

I'll add the log just in case. The game now fails to boot even with all tweaks set to false. SMTVFix.log

camirock17 commented 1 week ago

I second this: last one possible from here, is 0.8.4 WDK, but after that, every single one crashes even if you disable stuff from the .ini

AprilSparkle commented 1 week ago

SMTVFix.log v0.9.0 also crashes Microsoft version.Tried to use force 4K cutscene...but seems like few support is coming to Microsoft version...Reload-II mod tool failed due to Microsoft version's DRM on .exe and SMTVfix just crash the game.

SpaceGoat04 commented 1 week ago

The force 4K mod can be converted into a regular .pak mod which works just fine with this version of the game, just tried that myself.

That being said taking a look at the mod file structure and the game file structure, it seems some folders and files are in different locations/are just not there at all, so I can't guarantee converting the mod will work at all times, so far the intro and game over screen work, but I'm not sure about other scenes.

Creating a force 4k cutscene mod is possible for this version though, but it will require taking a look at the file structure of this specific release.

AprilSparkle commented 1 week ago

The force 4K mod can be converted into a regular .pak mod which works just fine with this version of the game, just tried that myself.

That being said taking a look at the mod file structure and the game file structure, it seems some folders and files are in different locations/are just not there at all, so I can't guarantee converting the mod will work at all times, so far the intro and game over screen work, but I'm not sure about other scenes.

Creating a force 4k cutscene mod is possible for this version though, but it will require taking a look at the file structure of this specific release.

Thank you.I will try .pak mod too. BTW will it be possible that v1.0 ver SMTVfix works for the Microsoft version?I

n0tleinad commented 6 days ago

I don't have access to the Xbox store version so the next best thing would be if you can dump the game executable using UWPDumper. Then I could at least compare the patterns on the exe. I can also add a separate release artifact for the Xbox store version too with the WinGDK folder already prepopulated.

Hi, i would like to try that, since i own the Xbox store version, what exactly do you need about the dumping? im basically going blind to this and following a reddit post on how to use UWPDumper

AprilSparkle commented 5 days ago

I don't have access to the Xbox store version so the next best thing would be if you can dump the game executable using UWPDumper. Then I could at least compare the patterns on the exe. I can also add a separate release artifact for the Xbox store version too with the WinGDK folder already prepopulated.

Err i zipped the execution file but the zip pack is 228MB big i can't attach it in this reply. But i checked the information of the execution file too it says file version number is and product version is <++UE4+Release-4.27-CL-0> i think that should be the version of Unreal Engine which MS port used.

If you still need the execution file to work the problem out can you provide a file sharing way so i can post the zipped execution file to you?As you can figure it out in the picture the region i living in don't have a convenient way to share big files to other countries and regions.


Update:I've found a cloud save named Pikpak and upload the execution file onto it.Here's the link:

Lyall commented 3 days ago

Sorry, I should posted that I've already been sent the WinGDK binary by a user already. No need for anyone else to dump the exe. The latest version (v0.9.1) has some changes to possibly improve compatibility with the Xbox/MS Store build. Remember that you'll have to extract the files from Project\Binaries\Win64 of the zip to Project\Binaries\WinGDK in the game folder instead.

If someone tries this version, can you please post a log file after launching the game.

mvidelatraduc commented 3 days ago

Sorry, I should posted that I've already been sent the WinGDK binary by a user already. No need for anyone else to dump the exe. The latest version (v0.9.1) has some changes to possibly improve compatibility with the Xbox/MS Store build. Remember that you'll have to extract the files from Project\Binaries\Win64 of the zip to Project\Binaries\WinGDK in the game folder instead.

If someone tries this version, can you please post a log file after launching the game.

Update (disregard my previous deleted message if you've received it):

v0.9.1 works with the Xbox version, on my system, with the following conditions: an injection delay higher than the default of 1000 ms, the 2 skipping functions disabled and the developer console disabled.

What worked for me (i5-12400+RX6600) was 10000 ms. At this point, I am not sure how much the delay is system-dependent. Feel free to experiment with this.

I'll attach the log, just in case.


n0tleinad commented 3 days ago

Hi, i would also like to contribute with my Log file, same as the person before me, all works fine by increasing the injection delay But in my case at least, the game crashes if i try to use the logos and intro skips (still no console enabled) after loading a save file Here's my Log with intro and logos skip on, also 10000ms SMTVFix.log

Luizzhh commented 3 days ago

V0.9.1 works for me with the Xbox version, also had to modify the injection delay, in my case, the minimum of 2388 did work, any lower and the game would start. The Xbox version has an additional DRM that does a check before launching the game, and for that it needs an internet connection.

Just like n0tleinad said, the logos and intro skips will crash the game the moment I try to load a save file. The developer console will crash the game a couple of seconds after launching it. Also, the [Adjust Player Camera] options doesn't work, tried enabling it and adjusting the numbers but the camera remains the same has the default settings.

Adding the log file with the camera settings enabled (English is not my main language) SMTVFix.log

(Edit to clarify on the delay thing) 2388ms was the minimum that worked for me one day, but things like how fast is your computer, or if it is busy with others task, or if at the moment you have internet problems (among others things) can make the launch of the game take more time. I don't actually recommend to set the delay that low, I prefer to set it at 5000ms, 2388ms was just me being curios about how low it could be set, but after more testing I found it to sometimes crash the game.

SpaceGoat04 commented 3 days ago

I can confirm it does work too, although setting the injection delay to 2388ms still crashed the game, 10000ms did the trick.

Dev console still crashes the game as usual, can't say anything about the ultrawide patches as I don't have a monitor with that aspect ratio. As for the new graphics related flags (GTAO, shadows, LODs and SSGI) they do work as expected, so does the force 4K videos option.

Attaching log file with all settings being used: SMTVFix.log

AprilSparkle commented 3 days ago

Set at 10000ms open game three times only got one crash at least i got into the game with this fix.Disabled [Enable Console] and [Intro Skip],everything works fine,cutscene is 4K too. The time game crashed,i felt a little FPS drop since i open a lot of graphic tweak function,so i decide to move the game to my M.2 SSD(It was installed in a SATA3 SSD).Then after the first open after game file arrived at M.2 SSD the game crashes but after the second opening game works fine. Here's the log in case you might need.Thank you for the fix. SMTVFix.log