Lyall / SyberiaTWBFix

A MelonLoader mod for the game Syberia: The World Before that adds support for ultrawide/custom resolutions and more.
MIT License
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Mod will not load #1

Closed SuneJoergensen closed 2 years ago

SuneJoergensen commented 2 years ago

After the installation and running the game I get this log and it do not work (it may be a MelonLoader issue idk):

[18:28:57.939] ------------------------------ [18:28:57.940] MelonLoader v0.5.4 Open-Beta [18:28:57.940] OS: Windows 10 [18:28:57.940] Hash Code: 99102531024810154100579910097100505048995753975597975597101485351514856 [18:28:57.940] ------------------------------ [18:28:57.941] Game Type: Il2Cpp [18:28:57.941] Game Arch: x64 [18:28:57.941] ------------------------------ [18:28:57.941] Core::BasePath = C:\Games\Syberia The World Before [18:28:57.941] Game::BasePath = C:\Games\Syberia The World Before [18:28:57.941] Game::DataPath = C:\Games\Syberia The World Before\SyberiaTWB_Data [18:28:57.942] Game::ApplicationPath = C:\Games\Syberia The World Before\SyberiaTWB.exe

[18:28:58.210] ------------------------------ [18:28:58.211] Game Name: SyberiaTWB [18:28:58.211] Game Developer: Microids [18:28:58.212] Unity Version: 2020.3.25f1 [18:28:58.212] Game Version: 1.0 [18:28:58.212] ------------------------------ [18:28:58.383] Preferences Loaded! [18:28:58.403] [Il2CppUnityTls] Patching mono_unity_get_unitytls_interface... [18:28:58.403] [Il2CppUnityTls] Patching il2cpp_unity_install_unitytls_interface... [18:28:58.527] [Il2CppUnityTls] Calling Il2CppInstallUnityTlsInterface... [18:28:58.527] Loading Plugins...

[18:28:58.530] ------------------------------ [18:28:58.530] No Plugins Loaded! [18:28:58.530] ------------------------------

[18:28:59.712] Loading Il2CppAssemblyGenerator... [18:28:59.733] Contacting RemoteAPI... [18:28:59.886] RemoteAPI.DumperVersion = null [18:28:59.887] RemoteAPI.UnhollowerVersion = null [18:28:59.887] RemoteAPI.ObfuscationRegex = null [18:28:59.888] RemoteAPI.MappingURL = null [18:28:59.888] RemoteAPI.MappingFileSHA512 = null [18:28:59.889] Using Dumper Version: 2022.1.0-pre-release.3 [18:28:59.889] Using Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Version = [18:28:59.890] Using Unity Dependencies Version = 2020.3.25 [18:28:59.890] Using Deobfuscation Regex = null [18:28:59.891] Cpp2IL is up to date. [18:28:59.891] Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower is up to date. [18:28:59.891] UnityDependencies is up to date. [18:28:59.892] Checking GameAssembly... [18:29:00.136] Assembly Generation Needed! [18:29:00.139] Executing Cpp2IL... [18:29:00.141] "C:\Games\Syberia The World Before\MelonLoader\Dependencies\Il2CppAssemblyGenerator\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.exe" --game-path "C:\Games\Syberia The World Before" --exe-name "SyberiaTWB" --use-processor attributeinjector --output-as dummydll [18:29:00.203] ===Cpp2IL by Samboy063=== [18:29:00.203] A Tool to Reverse Unity's "il2cpp" Build Process. [18:29:00.204] Version 2022.1.0-pre-release.3 [18:29:00.204] [18:29:00.204] [Warn] [Program] NOCOLOR set, disabling ANSI color codes as you requested. [18:29:00.205] [Info] [Program] Running on Win32NT [18:29:00.277] [Info] [Plugins] Using Plugin: Cpp2IL Built-In [18:29:00.282] [Info] [Program] Determined game's unity version to be 2020.3.25 [18:29:00.317] [Info] [Library] Initializing Metadata... [18:29:00.318] [Info] [Library] Using actual IL2CPP Metadata version 27,1 [18:29:00.702] [Info] [Library] Initialized Metadata in 389ms [18:29:00.703] [Info] [Library] Using binary type Portable Executable (from LibCpp2IL) [18:29:00.703] [Info] [Library] Searching Binary for Required Data... [18:29:03.366] [Info] [Library] Got Binary codereg: 0x182227BB0, metareg: 0x182583F80 in 2657ms. [18:29:03.366] [Info] [Library] Initializing Binary... [18:29:03.504] [Info] [Library] Initialized Binary in 141ms [18:29:03.552] [Info] [Library] Mapping pointers to Il2CppMethodDefinitions...Processed 88373 OK (50ms) [18:29:03.914] [ERROR] [18:29:03.920] [ERROR] Ikke-afviklet undtagelse: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Det angivne argument lÕ uden for det gyldige vµrdiomrÕde. [18:29:03.921] [ERROR] Parameternavn: length [18:29:03.921] [ERROR] ved System.Range.GetOffsetAndLength(Int32 length) i //src/IndexRange/Range.cs:linje 99 [18:29:03.921] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Extensions.MiscExtensions.SubArray[T](T[] source, Range range) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Extensions\MiscExtensions.cs:linje 112 [18:29:03.921] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Utils.X86Utils.GetRawManagedOrCaCacheGenMethodBody(UInt64 ptr, Boolean isCaGen) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Utils\X86Utils.cs:linje 49 [18:29:03.922] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Model.Contexts.MethodAnalysisContext..ctor(Il2CppMethodDefinition definition, TypeAnalysisContext parent) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Model\Contexts\MethodAnalysisContext.cs:linje 80 [18:29:03.922] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Model.Contexts.TypeAnalysisContext.<.ctor>b__28_0(Il2CppMethodDefinition m) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Model\Contexts\TypeAnalysisContext.cs:linje 71 [18:29:03.922] [ERROR] ved System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator2.MoveNext() [18:29:03.922] [ERROR] ved System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable1 collection) [18:29:03.923] [ERROR] ved System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable1 source) [18:29:03.923] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Model.Contexts.TypeAnalysisContext..ctor(Il2CppTypeDefinition il2CppTypeDefinition, AssemblyAnalysisContext containingAssembly) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Model\Contexts\TypeAnalysisContext.cs:linje 71 [18:29:03.923] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Model.Contexts.AssemblyAnalysisContext..ctor(Il2CppAssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition, ApplicationAnalysisContext appContext) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Model\Contexts\AssemblyAnalysisContext.cs:linje 50 [18:29:03.923] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Model.Contexts.ApplicationAnalysisContext..ctor(Il2CppBinary binary, Il2CppMetadata metadata, Single metadataVersion) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Model\Contexts\ApplicationAnalysisContext.cs:linje 73 [18:29:03.924] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Core.Cpp2IlApi.OnLibInitialized() i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL.Core\Cpp2IlApi.cs:linje 203 [18:29:03.924] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Program.MainWithArgs(Cpp2IlRuntimeArgs runtimeArgs) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL\Program.cs:linje 324 [18:29:03.924] [ERROR] ved Cpp2IL.Program.Main(String[] args) i C:\Users\Sam\RiderProjects\Cpp2IL\Cpp2IL\Program.cs:linje 268 [18:29:05.526] [Info] [Program] Creating application model...

[18:29:05.562] Loading Mods... [18:29:05.577] [WARNING] Some Melons are missing dependencies, which you may have to install. If these are optional dependencies, mark them as optional using the MelonOptionalDependencies attribute. This warning will turn into an error and Melons with missing dependencies will not be loaded in the next version of MelonLoader.

[18:29:05.579] ------------------------------ [18:29:05.580] 1 Mod Loaded [18:29:05.580] ------------------------------ [18:29:05.580] Syberia: The World Before Fix v1.0.0 [18:29:05.580] by Lyall [18:29:05.582] SHA256 Hash: 424b86fe311d9875ab974b38fc5ed032545e47e7cea6090b8110f012b7b74d49 [18:29:05.582] ------------------------------ [18:29:05.586] [WARNING] Some Melons are missing dependencies, which you may have to install. If these are optional dependencies, mark them as optional using the MelonOptionalDependencies attribute. This warning will turn into an error and Melons with missing dependencies will not be loaded in the next version of MelonLoader.

Lyall commented 2 years ago

Hmm, seems to be a bug with MelonLoader's latest version that just released. I probably need to recompile with the latest version.

For now try running the MelonLoader installer again. Find the game exe then untick "Latest', choose v0.5.3 in the dropdown and click DOWNGRADE.

SuneJoergensen commented 2 years ago

Thanks I already tried that with v0.5.2 with same result.

But did try v0.5.3 and now it WORKS wonderfully, I am very happy and grateful, superb job!

Thank God for smart people.

Lyall commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear it's working for you now. I'll leave the issue open until I've done some further testing to make sure it works with latest version of MelonLoader.

Lyall commented 2 years ago

Submitted logs to one of the MelonLoader devs and they have fixed the issue. Closing this now.