LycheeOrg / Lychee

A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.
MIT License
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Playing back video has different behaviors on different browsers #2055

Closed huntson closed 10 months ago

huntson commented 11 months ago

Detailed description of the problem [REQUIRED]

See attached screenshots for browsers. Safari works well however Firefox and Chrome do not play back videos and have issues as shown.

Steps to reproduce the issue

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to instance of Lychee that has videos uploaded
  2. Click on any video to playback
  3. See problems below

Screenshots Firefox: firefox

Chrome: chrome

Output of the diagnostics [REQUIRED]

Diagnostics ------- Warning: Dropbox import not working. dropbox_key is empty. Error: APP_URL does not match the current url. This will break WebAuthn authentication. Please update APP_URL to reflect this change. Warning: git (software) is not available. Foreign key: access_permissions.user_id → : CASCADE Foreign key: albums.parent_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: → : RESTRICT Foreign key: albums.cover_id → : CASCADE Foreign key: base_albums.owner_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: jobs_history.owner_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: photos.album_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: photos.owner_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: size_variants.photo_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: sym_links.size_variant_id → : RESTRICT Foreign key: → : RESTRICT

    System Information
    Lychee Version (git):                    ?? (a87d2e2) -- Could not compare.
    DB Version:                              4.13.0

    composer install:                        --no-dev
    APP_ENV:                                 production
    APP_DEBUG:                               false

    System:                                  Linux
    PHP Version:                             8.2.7
    PHP User agent:                          Lychee/4 (
    Timezone:                                America/New_York
    Max uploaded file size:                  10000M
    Max post size:                           10000M
    Max execution time:                      3000
    MySQL Version:                           11.1.2-MariaDB-1:11.1.2+maria~ubu2204

    exec() Available:                        yes
    Imagick Available:                       1
    Imagick Enabled:                         1
    Imagick Version:                         1691
    GD Version:                              2.3.3
    Number of foreign key:                   11 found.

    Config Information
    version:                                 041300
    check_for_updates:                       0
    sorting_photos_col:                      taken_at
    sorting_photos_order:                    ASC
    sorting_albums_col:                      max_taken_at
    sorting_albums_order:                    ASC
    imagick:                                 1
    skip_duplicates:                         0
    small_max_width:                         0
    small_max_height:                        360
    medium_max_width:                        1920
    medium_max_height:                       1080
    lang:                                    en
    image_overlay_type:                      desc
    default_license:                         none
    compression_quality:                     90
    grants_full_photo_access:                1
    delete_imported:                         0
    mod_frame_enabled:                       1
    mod_frame_refresh:                       30
    thumb_2x:                                1
    small_2x:                                1
    medium_2x:                               1
    landing_page_enable:                     0
    site_owner:                              John Smith
    landing_title:                           John Smith
    landing_subtitle:                        Cats, Dogs & Humans Photography
    landing_background:                      dist/cat.webp
    site_title:                              Lychee v4
    footer_show_copyright:                   1
    site_copyright_begin:                    2019
    site_copyright_end:                      2019
    footer_show_social_media:                0
    public_search:                           0
    SL_enable:                               0
    SL_for_admin:                            0
    recent_age:                              1
    grants_download:                         0
    photos_wraparound:                       1
    map_display:                             0
    zip64:                                   1
    map_display_public:                      0
    map_provider:                            Wikimedia
    force_32bit_ids:                         0
    map_include_subalbums:                   0
    update_check_every_days:                 3
    has_exiftool:                            1
    share_button_visible:                    0
    import_via_symlink:                      0
    has_ffmpeg:                              1
    location_decoding:                       0
    location_decoding_timeout:               30
    location_show:                           1
    location_show_public:                    0
    rss_enable:                              0
    rss_recent_days:                         7
    rss_max_items:                           100
    prefer_available_xmp_metadata:           0
    editor_enabled:                          1
    lossless_optimization:                   0
    swipe_tolerance_x:                       150
    swipe_tolerance_y:                       250
    local_takestamp_video_formats:           .avi|.mov
    log_max_num_line:                        1000
    unlock_password_photos_with_url_param:   0
    nsfw_visible:                            1
    nsfw_blur:                               0
    nsfw_warning:                            0
    nsfw_warning_admin:                      0
    map_display_direction:                   1
    album_subtitle_type:                     oldstyle
    upload_processing_limit:                 4
    public_photos_hidden:                    1
    new_photos_notification:                 0
    legacy_id_redirection:                   1
    zip_deflate_level:                       6
    SA_enabled:                              1
    default_album_protection:                1
    album_decoration:                        layers
    album_decoration_orientation:            row
    allow_username_change:                   1
    auto_fix_orientation:                    1
    use_job_queues:                          0
    random_album_id:                         starred
    use_last_modified_date_when_no_exif_date: 0
    ffmpeg_path:                             /usr/bin/ffmpeg
    ffprobe_path:                            /usr/bin/ffprobe
    layout:                                  justified



Title | Public -- | --
### Browser and system Sonoma Mac running Firefox, Chrome, and Safari
d7415 commented 11 months ago

That looks like it's a codec that's unsupported by the browsers. Does this mean you solved #2054?

huntson commented 10 months ago

Interesting. Attached is what the video codec is showing as. These are old family movies and I'm hoping not to have to transcode them if I can help it so I don't degrade things anymore. Do you have a recommended codec? I'd imagine the represented MPEG 2 should be playable with anything.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 10 07 47 PM

For the other issue, that is a different install.

huntson commented 10 months ago

Very odd but I appears you are correct. I figured MPEG2 would be playable anywhere but I suppose not. I re-encoded and it plays on all browsers...thus far anyway.

d7415 commented 10 months ago

I was meaning to look it up as I felt the same way. Glad you found a format that works though!