LycheeOrg / Lychee

A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.
MIT License
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Unknown format specifier "\" #2141

Closed KarelWintersky closed 9 months ago

KarelWintersky commented 9 months ago

Detailed description of the problem [REQUIRED]


Unknown format specifier "\" (View: /var/www/ (View: /var/www/

Steps to reproduce the issue

Clicked left bar -> about Lychee



Output of the diagnostics [REQUIRED]

Used latest release v

        Warning: Dropbox import not working. dropbox_key is empty.
        Info: Latest version of PHP is 8.3
         Foreign key: access_permissions.user_id     →             : CASCADE
         Foreign key: albums.parent_id               →            : NO ACTION
         Foreign key:                      →       : NO ACTION
         Foreign key: albums.cover_id                →            : CASCADE
         Foreign key: base_albums.owner_id           →             : NO ACTION
         Foreign key: jobs_history.owner_id          →             : NO ACTION
         Foreign key: photos.album_id                →            : NO ACTION
         Foreign key: photos.owner_id                →             : NO ACTION
         Foreign key: size_variants.photo_id         →            : NO ACTION
         Foreign key: sym_links.size_variant_id      →     : NO ACTION
         Foreign key:                  →       : NO ACTION

    System Information
        Lychee Version (release):                5.0.2
        DB Version:                              5.0.2

        composer install:                        --no-dev
        APP_ENV:                                 production
        APP_DEBUG:                               false
        APP_URL:                                 set

        System:                                  Linux
        PHP Version:                             8.2.8
        PHP User agent:                          Lychee/4 (
        Timezone:                                Europe/Moscow
        Max uploaded file size:                  256M
        Max post size:                           256M
        Livewire chunk size:                     12.00 MB
        Max execution time:                      200
        MySQL Version:                           8.0.34

        exec() Available:                        yes
        Imagick Available:                       1
        Imagick Enabled:                         1
        Imagick Version:                         1691
        GD Version:                              2.3.3
        Number of foreign key:                   11 found.

    Config Information
        version:                                 050002
        check_for_updates:                       0
        sorting_photos_col:                      taken_at
        sorting_photos_order:                    ASC
        sorting_albums_col:                      max_taken_at
        sorting_albums_order:                    ASC
        imagick:                                 1
        skip_duplicates:                         0
        small_max_width:                         0
        small_max_height:                        360
        medium_max_width:                        1920
        medium_max_height:                       1080
        lang:                                    ru
        image_overlay_type:                      desc
        default_license:                         none
        compression_quality:                     80
        grants_full_photo_access:                1
        delete_imported:                         0
        mod_frame_enabled:                       1
        mod_frame_refresh:                       30
        thumb_2x:                                1
        small_2x:                                1
        medium_2x:                               1
        landing_page_enable:                     0
        site_owner:                              Karel Wintersky
        landing_title:                           John Smith
        landing_subtitle:                        Cats, Dogs & Humans Photography
        landing_background:                      dist/cat.webp
        site_title:                              Wintersky::Gallery
        footer_show_copyright:                   0
        site_copyright_begin:                    2019
        site_copyright_end:                      2123
        footer_show_social_media:                0
        search_public:                           0
        SL_enable:                               0
        SL_for_admin:                            0
        recent_age:                              1
        grants_download:                         0
        photos_wraparound:                       1
        map_display:                             0
        zip64:                                   1
        map_display_public:                      0
        map_provider:                            Wikimedia
        force_32bit_ids:                         0
        map_include_subalbums:                   0
        update_check_every_days:                 3
        has_exiftool:                            1
        share_button_visible:                    0
        import_via_symlink:                      0
        has_ffmpeg:                              1
        location_decoding:                       0
        location_decoding_timeout:               30
        location_show:                           1
        location_show_public:                    0
        rss_enable:                              0
        rss_recent_days:                         7
        rss_max_items:                           100
        prefer_available_xmp_metadata:           0
        editor_enabled:                          1
        lossless_optimization:                   0
        swipe_tolerance_x:                       150
        swipe_tolerance_y:                       250
        local_takestamp_video_formats:           .avi|.mov
        log_max_num_line:                        1000
        unlock_password_photos_with_url_param:   0
        nsfw_visible:                            1
        nsfw_blur:                               0
        nsfw_warning:                            0
        nsfw_warning_admin:                      0
        map_display_direction:                   1
        album_subtitle_type:                     oldstyle
        upload_processing_limit:                 4
        new_photos_notification:                 0
        legacy_id_redirection:                   1
        zip_deflate_level:                       6
        SA_enabled:                              1
        default_album_protection:                1
        album_decoration:                        layers
        album_decoration_orientation:            row
        allow_username_change:                   1
        auto_fix_orientation:                    1
        use_job_queues:                          0
        random_album_id:                         starred
        use_last_modified_date_when_no_exif_date: 0
        ffmpeg_path:                             /usr/bin/ffmpeg
        ffprobe_path:                            /usr/bin/ffprobe
        layout:                                  justified
        date_format_photo_thumb:                 M j, Y, g:i:s A e
        date_format_photo_overlay:               M j, Y, g:i:s A e
        date_format_sidebar_uploaded:            M j, Y, g:i:s A e
        date_format_sidebar_taken_at:            M j, Y, g:i:s A e
        date_format_hero_min_max:                F Y
        date_format_hero_created_at:             M j, Y, g:i:s A T
        date_format_album_thumb:                 M Y
        upload_chunk_size:                       0
        nsfw_banner_blur_backdrop:               0
        search_pagination_limit:                 1000
        search_minimum_length_required:          4
        photo_layout_justified_row_height:       320
        photo_layout_masonry_column_width:       300
        photo_layout_grid_column_width:          250
        photo_layout_square_column_width:        200
        photo_layout_gap:                        12
        display_thumb_album_overlay:             always
        display_thumb_photo_overlay:             hover

Browser and system

Debian 11, firefox

ildyria commented 9 months ago

Seems like a crash due to a Regex somewhere... Weird.

Can you set APP_DEBUG to true and give us the stack call of that one ?

ildyria commented 9 months ago

Found, this is due to Russian language. Here is the incriminating line.

        <?php echo sprintf(__("lychee.ABOUT_DESCRIPTION"), ""); ?>
ildyria commented 9 months ago

Patch is on its way.

KarelWintersky commented 9 months ago

due to Russian language.

due to incorrect russian translate.

'ABOUT_DESCRIPTION' => "<a target=\'_blank\' href=\'%s\'>Lychee</a> - это бесплатный фотоменеджер для Вашего сервера или хостинга. Установка занимает считанные секунды. Загружайте, редактируйте и делитесь фотографиями как в любимом приложении! Lychee обеспечит Вас всем необходимым, включая безопасность хранения Ваших фотографий! На русский язык перевёл Евгений Лебедев.",

Looks like the problem is the wrong quote. The string is written in double quotes, but in this case escaping the single quote is not required.

Thus, a line with a slash + quotation mark is inserted into the blade template, which may cause the error.

Correct code will be:

'ABOUT_DESCRIPTION' => "<a target='_blank' href='%s'>Lychee</a> - это бесплатный фотоменеджер для Вашего сервера или хостинга. Установка занимает считанные секунды. Загружайте, редактируйте и делитесь фотографиями как в любимом приложении! Lychee обеспечит Вас всем необходимым, включая безопасность хранения Ваших фотографий! На русский язык перевёл Евгений Лебедев.",
ildyria commented 9 months ago
