Lyken17 / pytorch-OpCounter

Count the MACs / FLOPs of your PyTorch model.
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Why bias is not considered in count_linear()? #136

Closed xuefei1 closed 3 years ago

xuefei1 commented 3 years ago

This is how nn.Linear FLOPs are counted in the current version:

def count_linear(m, x, y):
    # per output element
    total_mul = m.in_features
    # total_add = m.in_features - 1
    # total_add += 1 if m.bias is not None else 0
    num_elements = y.numel()
    total_ops = total_mul * num_elements
    m.total_ops += torch.DoubleTensor([int(total_ops)])


I noticed that it's not considering whether the Linear layer has bias, although adding the bias probably won't change the overall FLOPs a lot but still we should check for #the bias in the function right?

Lyken17 commented 3 years ago

See for the discussion

Basically, for the simplicity, thop only considers multiplication