LynnHo / AttGAN-Tensorflow

AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want (IEEE TIP 2019)
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Attribute Classifier for Editing Accuracy/Error #11

Closed tegillis closed 5 years ago

tegillis commented 5 years ago

I'm curious what you used for the attribute classifier to measure the attribute editing accuracy and preservation error. Also do you have any plans to release this trained model? Thanks.

LynnHo commented 5 years ago

The codes are messed up and I currently have little time to arrange them to make it easy to be used by others. However, here is the code for the classifier network structure.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import tflib as tl
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim

from functools import partial

conv = partial(slim.conv2d, activation_fn=None, weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(1e-4))
fc = partial(tl.flatten_fully_connected, activation_fn=None, weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(1e-4))
relu = tf.nn.relu
batch_norm = partial(slim.batch_norm, decay=0.9, scale=True, epsilon=1e-5, updates_collections=None)
pool = partial(slim.max_pool2d, kernel_size=2, stride=2)

def classifier(x, att_dim=40, dim=32, reuse=True, training=True):
    bn = partial(batch_norm, is_training=training)
    conv_bn_relu = partial(conv, normalizer_fn=bn, activation_fn=relu, biases_initializer=None)

    with tf.variable_scope('classifier', reuse=reuse):
        y = conv_bn_relu(x, dim * 1, 3, 1)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 1, 3, 1)
        y = pool(y)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 2, 3, 1)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 2, 3, 1)
        y = pool(y)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 4, 3, 1)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 4, 3, 1)
        y = pool(y)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 8, 3, 1)
        y = conv_bn_relu(y, dim * 8, 3, 1)
        y = pool(y)
        y = relu(fc(y, dim * 16))
        logits = fc(y, att_dim)
        return logits

This classifier is for 64x64 images. @tegillis

tegillis commented 5 years ago

Does this mean the attribute experiments were only done on 64x64 generated images?

I am trying to reproduce the results for AttGAN with 128x128 images and I'm getting much lower accuracy for attribute editing than the values reported in the paper.

I am using images outputted by the test script using the well-trained 128x128 model released here: #2 with a VGG16 + BN architecture for the attribute classifier. Thanks.

LynnHo commented 5 years ago

@tegillis Yes, the attribute experiments were done on 64x64 AttGAN (without shortcut layers) since we only compare our method to IcGAN and VAE/GAN in our first version (see the comparisons in the The latterly added methods (StarGAN etc.) with 128 output are all resized to 64 for testing the accuracy. I haven't uploaded the model of 64x64 because it is trained by the code before the GitHub version, and cannot be used by the current codes.

tegillis commented 5 years ago

Just to clarify, the attribute results shown in figure's 8 and 9 were all done on 64x64 models? I'm confused as to why StarGAN is grouped with VAE/GAN and IcGAN and not Fader Networks and CycleGAN since in Part IV you group StarGAN with Fader Networks, Shen et al and CycleGAN for being a 128x128 model.

LynnHo commented 5 years ago

@tegillis StarGAN, VAE/GAN, IcGAN, and AttGAN are able to handle multiple attributes in a single model, while the other three cannot. The image sizes for these methods depend on their open-source codes.

LynnHo commented 5 years ago

@tegillis I upload a 128 model trained by the GitHub code and its classification performance is similar to the paper. I change the weight of xa__loss_rec 100.0 to 10.0 here,

LynnHo commented 5 years ago

Here is an attribute classifier from STGAN which has the same protocol of our AttGAN.