Open orenpapers opened 6 years ago
Following this thread: I'm trying to init a server:
java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000 [main] INFO CoreNLP - --- StanfordCoreNLPServer#main() called --- [main] INFO CoreNLP - setting default constituency parser [main] INFO CoreNLP - warning: cannot find edu/stanford/nlp/models/srparser/englishSR.ser.gz [main] INFO CoreNLP - using: edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/englishPCFG.ser.gz instead [main] INFO CoreNLP - to use shift reduce parser download English models jar from: [main] INFO CoreNLP - [main] INFO CoreNLP - Threads: 8 [main] INFO CoreNLP - Starting server... [main] INFO CoreNLP - StanfordCoreNLPServer listening at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000
Then I tried to execute the command nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost', port=9000) But nothing happened, even for simple python command such as
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost', port=9000)
a = 2 print(a)
It worth noting that when I open is the browser I have an access to the server, but I want to communicate with it from python
Following this thread: I'm trying to init a server:
Then I tried to execute the command
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost', port=9000)
But nothing happened, even for simple python command such asIt worth noting that when I open is the browser I have an access to the server, but I want to communicate with it from python