Thanks for developing this API. Here is my code to generate sentence dependencies using 'parse' annotator:
from stanfordcorenlp.corenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP(r'/homes/xxx/tools/stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05/', memory = '8g')
asent = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
cons = nlp.annotate(asent, properties={'annotators': 'parse', 'pipelineLanguage':'en','outputFormat':'json','originalDependencies':'true', 'parse.buildgraphs':'true'}) ## Tree in stanford dependency format
aparse_json = json.loads(cons)
anno = aparse_json["sentences"][0]
How can I add 'parse.nthreads' option (or any other option) for 'parse' annotator in my properties to API?
Hi, Thanks for developing this API. Here is my code to generate sentence dependencies using 'parse' annotator:
How can I add 'parse.nthreads' option (or any other option) for 'parse' annotator in my properties to API?