LynxUA / yolo-address-book

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Prepare a presentation #34

Closed LynxUA closed 3 months ago

LynxUA commented 3 months ago

LynxUA commented 3 months ago

Scenario: Bill Gates executes his everyday job

  1. Greeting and Initial Interaction:

    • Command: hello
    • Output: "How can I help you?"
  2. Adding Contacts:

    • Command: add BillGates 1234567890 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA

    • Output: "Contact BillGates successfully updated."

    • Command: add SteveJobs 9876543210 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA

    • Output: "Contact BillGates successfully updated."

  3. Updating a Contact:

    • Command: change BillGates 1234567890 1112223330
    • Output: "Contact BillGates successfully updated."
  4. Retrieving a Phone Number:

    • Command: phone BillGates
    • Output:
      Contact: BillGates
      Phone: 1112223330
  5. Listing All Contacts:

    • Command: all
    • Output:
      Name      | BillGates
      Birthday  | None
      Phone     | 1112223330
      Email     |
      Address   | 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA
      Name      | SteveJobs
      Birthday  | None
      Phone     | 9876543210
      Email     |
      Address   | 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA
  6. Adding Birthdays:

    • Command: add-birthday BillGates 28.10.1955

    • Output: "Contact BillGates successfully updated."

    • Command: add-birthday SteveJobs 24.02.1955

    • Output: "Contact SteveJobs successfully updated."

  7. Retrieving a Birthday:

    • Command: show-birthday BillGates
    • Output: "28.10.1955"
  8. Checking Upcoming Birthdays:

    • Command: birthdays 200
    • Output:
      Name           | Birthday   | Phone
      BillGates      | 28.10.1955 | 1112223330
  9. Adding Notes:

    • Command: add-note
    • Prompts:
      Enter the title of the note: Meeting with Steve
      Enter the text of the note: Discuss potential partnership
      Enter tags: Enter tags separated by commas
    • Output: "Note Meeting with Steve successfully added"
  10. Finding Notes:

    • Command: find-note partnership
    • Output:
      title:  |  Meeting with Steve
      body:   |  Discuss potential partnership
      tags:   |  meeting, partnership
  11. Listing All Notes:

    • Command: all-notes
    • Output:
      title:  |  Meeting with Steve
      body:   |  Discuss potential partnership
      tags:   |  meeting, partnership
  12. Generating Random Data:

    • Command: generate-contacts 3

    • Output: "3 contacts successfully generated"

    • Command: generate-notes 2

    • Output: "2 random notes generated."

  13. Closing the Application:

    • Command: close
    • Output: "Goodbye!"

LynxUA commented 3 months ago


LynxUA commented 3 months ago

Final presenatation YOLO_presentation.pptx