Lyr3x / Roode

A reliable smart home people counter based on VL53L1X and ESPHome
The Unlicense
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Trying to make it work [newbee & confused] #124

Open grego1981 opened 2 years ago

grego1981 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I'm trying to implement the solution, the presense detection is most inaccurate and cannot fully understand how to tune it, ROI area eludes me, what does it refer to and how to measure the correct one for each use? The sensor is mounted in a door opening of 80cm and the sensor is in the middle of the frame. It detects the distance as 2200mm instead of 800-900 which will be the logical one. Nevertheless when passing in fron of the sensor numbers change but the counter is rarely working correctly either by direction or even as number of passes.

Below my config for ESPHome, following the readme and some yml files in the repository. Any help or insight more than welcome!

substitutions: devicename: mbedroomprsensor friendly_name: $devicename

external_components: refresh: always source: type: git url: ref: master

esphome: name: $devicename platform: ESP8266 board: d1_mini

wifi: networks:

api: password: admin reboot_timeout: 60min services:

ota: password: admin

web_server: port: 80 auth: username: admin password: admin


i2c: sda: 4 scl: 5

vl53l1x: calibration: ranging: auto

roode: id: roode_platform sampling: 2 orientation: parallel roi: auto detection_thresholds: min: 0% max: 50% zones: invert: false entry: roi: auto exit: roi: auto detection_thresholds: min: 0% max: 90%



