PARSES: A Pipeline for Analysis of RNA-Sequencing Exogenous Sequences, is a pipeline constructed from existing sequence analysis tools that allows the user to interrogate RNA-Sequencing experiments for possible biological contamination or the presence of exogenous sequences that may shed light on other factors influencing an organism's condition. Built upon Rake, PARSES allows data simple analysis of RNA-Sequencing data in an automated and repeatable fashion. Usability, logging, and versatility are the keynotes of this pipeline.
v0.32. Fixed FASTA splitting issues. Added ability to install software without additional parameters.
Closed by 60f5390bfe13ccad13c5834447e464e6f248ee93. Closed by 60f5390bfe13ccad13c5834447e464e6f248ee93.
Allow for installation of tools and for task listings without having to specify a sequence file, etc.