However, in the above snippet, the ternary expression is "If the user group member length is longer than the license restriction length", which is the case when the license has been exceeded, the incorrect message is shown in admin.
In the above snippet as well, it seems that the template only uses argument 0 and 1, and not 2. Which results in M-Files admin showing "User group ABCD has 50 members, which is more than the licensed value of 50." when the restriction is set to 50 even though there might be less users in the group.
In the dashboard content renderer, a "GetTernaryStatementDashboardContent" helper is used to select either a valid or exceeded user group message.
However, in the above snippet, the ternary expression is "If the user group member length is longer than the license restriction length", which is the case when the license has been exceeded, the incorrect message is shown in admin.
In the above snippet as well, it seems that the template only uses argument 0 and 1, and not 2. Which results in M-Files admin showing "User group ABCD has 50 members, which is more than the licensed value of 50." when the restriction is set to 50 even though there might be less users in the group.