M-HT / casio_sw-10

Casio SW-10 software synthesizer
MIT License
16 stars 4 forks source link

about binary conversion (info request) #4

Closed jariseon closed 1 year ago

jariseon commented 1 year ago

outstanding reversing work, and what a clever idea to manipulate the binary headers. do you think the vxd -> dll conversion procedure could be repeated for another win95-era vxd softsynth, or did the sw10 have something special which made that possible? ghidra seems to have a vxd loader but haven't tried that out yet.

M-HT commented 1 year ago

SW-10 didn't do anything special, so in theory similar thing could be done for other vxd's.

jariseon commented 1 year ago

cool, i started scratching my head already. many thanks! pls feel free to close the issue.