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[Question] The Login API always gets called and nothing happen when providing an invalid email + password combination concerns #15

Open minhnimble opened 2 years ago

minhnimble commented 2 years ago


When providing an invalid email and password combination, the user can still tap on Login button to trigger the login API and it always results in nothing happening. What do you think about this concern and how would you resolve it?


Furthermore, when the user provides an invalid combination of email and password or attempts to login the application without any connection, there is no visible prompt on the application and it is quite confusing for the user on what happen and what to do next. Why do you choose to implement the Login screen with this approach?

M-I-N commented 2 years ago

First thing first, I implemented this screen like it is now because of the limited time of the assignment to finish. Also the scope of the feature and UX are not defined in the context of this assignment.

However, in a real project, we will implement this screen with frontend email & password validation with proper hint for the user. Also the API errors need to be incorporated correctly like using a LoginError type maybe. Besides, the login button should provide visual feedback of loading or network request or disabled state.

There are so much considerations to be made to make this screen production ready.