M-Reimer / toggleanigif

GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 1 forks source link

Updated translations for 'it': Italian (Italiano) #16

Closed prismarcobaleno closed 5 months ago

prismarcobaleno commented 6 months ago

Updated translations for 'it': Italian (Italiano):

  "extensionDescription": {
    "message": "Attiva o disattiva l'animazione delle immagini (di solito GIF animate)",
    "hash": "e1b25bd130b742ee2a696f91b2d9bb96"
  "button_title": {
    "message": "GIF animate",
    "description": "Text displayed next to button or as tooltip of the button",
    "hash": "6598fb8e176b2d141cf0dfac0f4b0db6"
  "title_enabled": {
    "message": "sì",
    "description": "Text displayed in the title if anigifs are ON.",
    "hash": "2dc975ff398a1ab9ff9f676829b78130"
  "title_disabled": {
    "message": "no",
    "description": "Text displayed in the title if anigifs are OFF.",
    "hash": "674313aceb22ee1d8fc128bf141df88d"
  "freeze_animation_title": {
    "message": "Ferma animazione",
    "description": "Title for the freeze animation menu entry",
    "hash": "07bde5dd182003550f45763889a65737"
  "autoreload_label": {
    "message": "Ricarica automaticamente la pagina quando cambi",
    "description": "Label for auto reload checkbox in the options page",
    "hash": "f87de5700500aa2ca06d5c3e1d5d8026"
  "freeze_label": {
    "message": "Aggiungi \"Ferma animazione\" al menù contestuale delle immagini",
    "description": "Label for freeze animation checkbox in the options page",
    "hash": "125b2d87559faa5e90397e9d6b2d232c"

  "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "it" }