M-Reimer / toggleanigif

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Stop indiviual images in a page #7

Closed retog closed 1 year ago

retog commented 3 years ago

Some animations are actually quite useful, only if they go on an on they become distracting. I would like to be able to right-click on an animated image and choose to stop the animation.

BoomerangAide commented 1 year ago

An add-on for Firefox used to have more flexibility (ability to pause and restart individual images on the page and all), but Mozilla killed it in Firefox 57 when they went webextension only. Maybe an alternative browser that still support old style extensions could do it (I think of Seamonkey, but could be wrong, and/or they could be others).

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

Stopping individual images could be possible with the latest API state on Firefox. But I'm talking about stopping I don't want to make things too complex. What I'm thinking of is a "Freeze animation" context menu entry. Clicking it freezes the image animation until the page is reloaded.

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

Added in version 1.5.0. The feature has to be enabled in the Add-on's settings, first.