M-Reimer / undoclosetab

Undo Close Tab Add-on for Firefox
GNU General Public License v3.0
92 stars 16 forks source link

Updated translations for 'zh_CN': zh_CN #111

Closed wwj402 closed 2 years ago

wwj402 commented 2 years ago

Your translation have been copied to your clipboard. Paste it here:

Updated translations for 'zh_CN': zh_CN:

    "extensionName": {
        "message": "找回已关闭的标签页",
        "description": "Name of the extension. Also used for the toolbar button tooltip and for the page/tab context menu item for direct tab restore.",
        "hash": "64c3b70943ee77066e4d90550f73fe60"
    "extensionDescription": {
        "message": "重新打开最后关闭的标签页。",
        "description": "Description of the extension.",
        "hash": "feb53325fd2a69298e4ac7433611fba1"
    "more_entries_menu": {
        "message": "更多项",
        "description": "Last menu on Context menus of the browser action, as the top-level menu cannot exceed 6 items.",
        "hash": "7bebf8ccc20f23b1faccdca5629a9d1a"
    "clearlist_menuitem": {
        "message": "清除列表",
        "description": "Label for the menuitem for clearing the list of closed tabs",
        "hash": "17927f5c3d0eab2022d1a91b106b48c0"
    "page_contextmenu_submenu": {
        "message": "找回已关闭的标签页",
        "description": "The label used for the submenu added to the page/tab context menu (the one with the recently closed tab list). Please use the same string as in 'extensionName' whenever possible!",
        "hash": "64c3b70943ee77066e4d90550f73fe60"
    "general_headline": {
        "message": "常规",
        "description": "Headline for general options in options page",
        "hash": "e90d858c95232c95e34b4bb2f25b69e4"
    "restoreGroup_label": {
        "message": "将多个标签页还原为组,如果其关闭的时间间隔低于",
        "description": "Label on checkbox for restoring tab groups based on time between tab closes",
        "hash": "64609a33b69413c28f0b2979b99452d8"
    "contextmenus_headline": {
        "message": "上下文菜单",
        "description": "Headline for context menu options in options page",
        "hash": "c865d765c4c6a4157de8336fad083f8e"
    "menuitem_number_label": {
        "message": "菜单中显示多少个已关闭的标签页:",
        "description": "Closed tabs number on context menu items.",
        "hash": "8f71ac4eebcd5ee918321c62d55fcf19"
    "numberText_title": {
        "message": "显示多少个已关闭的标签页,范围 1 - $1",
        "description": "tooltip on number input box.",
        "placeholders": {
            "maxResults": { "content": "$1", "example": "25" }
        "hash": "40a445627cbea0310e6fdc25944a2096"
    "onlycurrent_label": {
        "message": "只列出当前窗口中关闭的标签页",
        "description": "Label on checkbox for filtering menu items to current window",
        "hash": "ff97d8d8b39692e9b010ebe354777c89"
    "menuitem_clearlist_label": {
        "message": "显示清除上次关闭的标签页列表的菜单项",
        "description": "Label on checkbox for enabling the 'Clear List' menu item",
        "hash": "428404052dc9c9462e0ec760aa91912a"
    "menus_headline": {
        "message": "附加菜单",
        "description": "Headline for additional menu checkboxes in options page",
        "hash": "d2d0134f4d85db563973c1ad1a0d9831"
    "menu_tab_label": {
        "message": "在标签栏的右键菜单中显示为子菜单",
        "description": "Label on checkbox to enable submenu in tab bar context menu",
        "hash": "0031523137f27c650862f888395e599d"
    "menu_page_label": {
        "message": "在页面的右键菜单中显示为子菜单",
        "description": "Label on checkbox to enable submenu in page context menu",
        "hash": "03b779fff222918a5f544314ffd07f0e"
    "menuitem_page_label": {
        "message": "在页面的右键菜单中显示为菜单项",
        "description": "Label on checkbox to enable menuitem in page context menu",
        "hash": "520d2256897061311967e99b19d75764"

    "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "zh_CN" }