M-Reimer / wine-lol

PKGBUILDs to package GloriousEggroll's LoL-patched wine version
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Slow start fix #104

Closed Seriusly closed 2 years ago

Seriusly commented 2 years ago

Added this patch: https://gist.github.com/moonshadow565/5498ae6ca9d7e2a0913f7f1be30f2a60/66794fa0017544dde4655b9ee0adb30b036c8930#file-0005-lol-client-slow-start-fix-patch

For the fast start to work you have to change the executable to RiotClientServices.exe and REMOVE the launch arguments (--launch-product=league_of_legends --launch-patchline=live). This means you have to select League of Legends each time in the Riot Client but otherwise the fast start does not work (this is also needed with the most recent Lutris-GE-7.0-2-LoL).

If you start the game via LeagueClient.exe or with launch arguments the Launcher will just time out like it does without the LauncherHelper.

You should also remove the launcherhelper.sh from the pre-launch scripts if you use Lutris since its not needed anymore. Client will start in a few seconds with this patch. I tested this on 2 machines (both Manjaro).

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for preparing this.

I'm currently pretty busy so it will take some more days before I can have a look at your change.

I have to rebuild wine-lol-glibc anyway so this is a good opportunity to rebuild everything and finally update the binary repository.

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

Mass closing issues. My PKGBUILD builds a much more recent wine version now so some issues may be obsolete now.