M-Reimer / wine-lol

PKGBUILDs to package GloriousEggroll's LoL-patched wine version
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Update to GE 7.0-8 LoL #117

Closed kyechou closed 1 year ago

kyechou commented 1 year ago

Release: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom/releases/tag/7.0-GE-8-LoL

The new release fixes a few issues with running the game on Linux. Tested and fix #116.


M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

Please do not remove the "epoch". I can't merge directly this way.

kyechou commented 1 year ago

Ah okay I thought it's only needed when pkgver was lower. I'll update my commit in a sec

thesmartwon commented 1 year ago

I've confirmed both wine-lol and wine-lol-bin in this PR work with the client and game in practice tool.

kyechou commented 1 year ago

Added back the epochs.

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

So I guess the "futex.patch" is now part of the new release?

kyechou commented 1 year ago

Yes, it's included in one of the lol patches now.

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

Can you please also leave the "$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::" in for the source archive? I'm building with a global source directory and without this I get regular source file conflicts.

kyechou commented 1 year ago

Yeah sure. sorry about that

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

OK. The file name is the SHA hash in this case. So no conflict potential. Just a ugly file name which is difficult to know where it belongs to. If you prefer the SHA there, it would be OK for me. But actually I think it is better to properly name source files. Especially with global source file directories.

kyechou commented 1 year ago

Make sense. just updated the tarball source renaming.

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fast help. Did someone else build test this? I'm sure the "-bin" will work but I will not have the time today to build test the "non bin" PKGBUILD. If someone verifies that this works, then I can update AUR.

kyechou commented 1 year ago

I've built and played the practice tool with both builds. It seems @thesmartwon had success too. But it'd be nice if others can confirm as well.

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

I think the current version on AUR is broken anyway. So I'll sync this over and hope possible problems get reported as a new Issue.

M-Reimer commented 1 year ago

Done. Thanks for your PR. About the epoch: This was needed as GloriousEggroll at some point rolled back to a previous release. And once you have an "epoch" in your PKGBUILD, it should stay there as this marks a "start of a new timeline".

Haltinulo commented 1 year ago

I've just finished the game with this wine-lol recipe, it builds and works correctly, no freezes in game nor in post game lobby.